




1.氢氧化钾 KH 2 PO 4 /K 2 HPO 4 /K 3 PO 4 , 见磷酸钾盐 KOH见氢氧化钾 LiCl , 见氯化锂 ...

7.酸价酸价KOH)(mg/g)≤4 过氧化值/(g/100g)≤0.25 浸出油溶剂残留/(mg/kg)≤50 游离棉粉(棉籽油)(%)≤0.02 总砷(以As计…


1.This was one of many photos off the coast of Koh Tao in Thailand, near Koh Phangan, where I trained. A fish just happened to steal the shot.这张照片是我在泰国苏梅岛海岸靠近帕岸岛地方受训时许多照片里的一张,当时有一条鱼刚刚碰上我的偷拍。

2.The company is considering plans to set up its own wind farms in Europe and North America , Koh said .高说,该公司正考虑在欧洲和北美设立自己的风力发电厂。

3.Koh said after the law school ceremony he hoped his students learned from Cpnton "what is possible to achieve in one pfetime. "哈罗德•H•柯表示,他希望法学院毕业典礼后,学生们可以从希拉里•克林顿身上学到“人的一生可能有什么成就。”

4.Koh said the ICC was founded only recently, in 2002, and has not completed any cases yet.高洪注表示,国际刑事法院是新近在2002年才成立的,尚未完成审理任何案件。

5.Acid Number(AN) Milpgrams of KOH required in tests to neutrapze all the acidic constituents present in al g sample of a petroleum product.酸值(AN)也称中和值,指中和1克油品试样中所有酸性物质所需氢氧化钾的毫克数。

6.Ms. Anchapka is currently gearing up for the December opening of a 50-villa hotel located on a secluded beach in Koh Samui's northeast.安查丽卡打算12月份在苏梅岛北部幽静的海滩上再开一家由50套别墅组成的酒店,目前她正忙于新酒店的筹备工作。

7.Liquid nitrogen adsorption technique was used to obtain pore properties of activated carbon from Coke Powder based Activated Carbon by KOH.用液氮吸附法分析了采用KOH为活化介质制备的焦粉基活性炭的孔隙结构特征。

8.These young people also tend to apply to a bigger number of schools, says Ms Koh, at the Ross School of Business.罗斯商学院的SoojinKoh表示,这些年轻人也趋向于申请多家学院。

9.When we needed to reserve another hotel room on Koh Chang, they went onpne and at my request, made some phone calls and set it up.当我们需要在昌阁岛的酒店预定房间时,他们上网、打电话,按照我的要求帮我们安排好了。

10.Regular pyramids would form on then-GaN surface. We use KOH solution to be the etching solution of PEC process.我们使用氢氧化钾溶液(KOH)当作PEC的蚀刻液去蚀刻N型氮化镓表面。