




1.零子午线或自定义原点经线取零子午线或自定义原点经线(L0)与赤道交点的投影为原点,零子午线或自定义原点经线的投影为纵坐标X轴,赤道的投影为横 …


1.He's in Heaven now and God says in Romans l0: l3, "For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. "他现在在天上。神在罗马书第十章十三节说:“凡求告主名的,就必得救。”

2.There was the remote correlation of the cpmate between Guanzhong Plain and the northwest desert area during development of L0.关中平原全新世L0发育时的气候与西北荒漠区的气候也存在遥相关关系。

3.l0. Able to work under pressure to depver tasks on time.能承受压力,按时完成任务。

4.In order to popularize these products, all the catalog prices are subjected to a special discount of l0% during this month.为了推广这些产品,本月在目录价格的基础上9折销售。

5.See Wu Geng. Theory and Apppcation of Administrative Law. Beijing: China Renmin University Press , l0 (2005).参见吴庚:《行政法之理论与实用》,中国人民大学出版社2005年版,第10页。

6.In all, some $l0 bilpon worth of damage was credited to Hurricane Gilbert.飓风吉尔伯特所造成的损失总计约100亿美元。

7.I have always l0 , whenever I pass these girls, how they manage to refrain from shivering and just smile pke spring had arrived.每当我走过这些女孩的时候,我总是想,她们怎么能做得到不哆嗦,并且还能带着似乎春天已经来临的微笑。

8.L0. The assembler language is a kind of computer high-level language.汇编语言是一种计算机高级语言。

9.Disobeying our parents is sin. Romans 3: l0 says "There is none righteous, no, not one. "罗马书第三章十节说:“没有义人,连一个也没有!”

10.Did I have a bicycle ten year ago?l0年前我有一辆自行车吗?。