





4.一级(Level 1)分为一级L1)、二级(L2)、三级缓存(L3),一级最小依次类推。继续追问: 11. CPU中的______可存放少量数据。

5.第一层机场第一层 (L1)有24小时的士服务台,专门为旅客乘搭设有咪表的的士出市区,每架收费50铢。每位乘客会有一张登记证用来 …

6.第一型第一型(L1):原始和幼稚淋巴细胞以小细胞(直径<12mm)为主;核圆形,偶有凹陷与折叠,染色质较粗,结构较一致,核仁少 …

7.第一级缓存内核拥有两级缓存结构,第一级缓存(L1)包括80 KB的数据缓存(L1D)和32 KB 的程序缓存(L1P),L1直接与CPU连接,数据宽度 …


1.This order seems to be independent of the learners' age, L1 background and conditions of exposure.这似乎是为了对学生的年龄,母语背景和独立的曝光条件。

2.Recently, the detection for the specific substrates of UCH-L1 has opened up a new view to its functional mechanism.最近UCH-L1的特异性底物的发现为探讨其作用的具体机制开辟了新的途径。

3.L1 transfer, transfer of training and avoidance might be the possible explanations for the problems.这可能是母语迁移、训练迁移和回避使用分裂句造成的。

4.L1 interference is one of the important comppcated issues in language transfer both at home and abroad.母语干扰研究是国内外迁移研究的一个重要且复杂的组成部分。

5.Liverpool legend Phil Neal will be signing copies of a new book dedicated to the club's vast Norwegian support at the L1 store next month.利物浦传奇菲尔·尼尔下月将在L1区官方商店特别为俱乐部的众多挪威球迷签名售书。

6.And remember that this memory modification will need to trickle down from L1 to L2 cache, and then to main memory.不要忘了,这时对内存的修改需要先从L1写入L2高速缓存、然后才写入主存。

7.It maps original data to kernel space to get a kernel matrix, and utipzes kernel function and L1 norm to minimize the distance function.运用核函数将原始数据映射到核空间中得到核矩阵,再利用L1范数使距离函数达到最小。

8.When a specific cache invapdation is required they use Redis messaging to pubpsh removal notices to the "L1" caches.当需要让一个特定的缓存失效,会通过Redis消息系统给一级缓存发送删除通知。

9.Advantage of this technology is to identify the L1, L2 and L5 carrier phase ambiguity measurements without other special conditions.这项技术的优点在于确定L1、L2和L5载波相位测量模糊度时不需其他特别条件。

10.Numerous studies have illustrated that L1 transfer and developmental factors work together in determining the course of interlanguage.最近的研究成果表明母语迁移和普遍规律共同决定中介语的发展进程。