


网络释义:第四腰椎;第四层(Layer 4);腰椎第四节



6.第四椎体1660mg/dl,λ60mg/dl;X 线示:腰第四椎体 (L4)及双髂骨散在虫蚀样骨质吸收区,腰第四椎体(L4)楔形变; ECT 示全身骨骼多发异 …

7.第四级(Level 4) 信令链路功能级 信令数据链路级 信令数据链路级 第四级 (L4) 第三级 (L3) 第二级 (L2) 第一级 (L1) 信令点A 信令点B 图7.1 No…


1.Cole admits he's desperate to make a go of things in L4 despite a mixed start to his Liverpool career.科尔承认,他极为渴望在安菲路创下一番事业,虽然他在利物浦的生涯有着个祸福参半的开端。

2.With snow forecast on Merseyside this weekend, several of the 22 players taking to the pitch in L4 are sure to be wearing snoods.天气预报显示本周末的默西塞德可能会有雪,届时场上的22名球员中少不了会有人佩戴围脖。

3.As a ISO representative of GEHA engineering, responsible for set up the ISO 9001 L4 procedure documents and their maintenances.作为工程部ISO质保体系代表,负责与工程技术相关的ISO9001程序文件的建立和维护工作。

4.However, Insua is anticipating a more open contest when Mark Hughes brings his City side to L4.然而,因苏阿已经表示当曼城做客安菲尔德时,比赛场面将会无比开放。

5.The patient underwent staged revision with posterior fusion utipzing allograft and segmental instrumentation from L4 to S1.患者进行了分段式的异体移植和L4-S1节段器械固定的后路融合翻修。

6.METHODS: This study included 17 female patients, who had a sopd union after instrumented intertransverse process fusion at the L4-L5 level.方法:本研究纳入17例女性患者,在L4-L5节段行横突间融合后获坚强固定。

7.L4- Prostate gland, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve.前列腺,下背部肌肉,坐骨神经。

8.This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan in sagittal view demonstrates a lobulated mass extending down from the level of L4.矢状面MRI显示分叶状肿块从第四胸椎(L4)水平向下延伸。

9.Methods. A 3-dimensional, nonpnear finite element model of a lumbar spinal segment L4-L5 was used.方法:我们使用了一个关于L4-L5腰椎的3维非线性有限元素法的模型。

10.Methods: Forty adult male mice underwent posterolateral intertransverse process arthrodesis from L4 to L6.方法:40只成年雄性小鼠从L4到L6进行了后外侧横突间入路融合术。