


美式发音: [laɪ] 英式发音: [laɪ]

abbr.〈外(=Linee Aeree Itapane)意大利航空公司


网络释义:来;赖;叶面积指数(leaf area index)



abbr.1.〈外〉(=Linee Aeree Itapane)意大利航空公司

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Linee Aeree Itapane)

1.来 (me1) 什麽(你讲咩啊?) (lai4) (过嚟啦!) (hei2) 在(你喺边喥啊?) ...

2.赖 匡- -Kuang L - -Lai 蓝- -Lan ...

3.叶面积指数(leaf area index)采用植被指数作为统计模型的自变量,建立不同植被类型叶面积指数(LAI)与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的回归模型,探讨叶面积指数 …

4.黎 KWONG 邝 LAI LAI 赖 ...

5.叶面积系数 在美国玉米带叶面积系数LAI)没有变化,但在加拿大安大略省早熟玉米区LAI可能增加。 在非逆境下,单株穗数没有变化。


1.In front of the company, he was knocked Yue Lai candidates come to the ground, it falls on his head.在公司大门前,他被前来应聘的黎悦撞翻在地,还砸到了他的脑袋。

2.Chou En-lai, in short, was one of the two or three most impressive men I have ever met.简言之,周恩来在我所见过的人中,是给我印象最深的两三个人中的一位。

3.How the Chinese lawyers managed to persuade the Canadians that the unpopular Mr Lai can be kept safe is hard to see.真想不通中国律师是如何让加拿大人相信,不得人心的赖昌星的生命安全是可以得到保证的。

4.If this paragraph of time having had a rest well, complexion may get better obviously , skin also is able to have elasticity Yue Lai Yue .这段时间如果休息好了,气色会明显变好,肌肤也会越来越具有弹性。

5.The judge said that assertion was undermined by the fact that Mr Lai himself had been trying to negotiate his return with Chinese officials.法官说,赖昌星自己一直在试图与中国官员协商回国事宜,因此这种说法不成立。

6.Mr Lai was the only analyst covering Skyworth as it rebounded to become one of China's top TV brands.在创维劫后反弹、成为中国顶尖电视品牌之一的日子里,赖穆煦是唯一覆盖该公司的分析师。

7.As a child growing up in the jungle-soaked Malaysian state of Sarawak, Lai Fui Fin dreamed of a pfe among the rich and famous.现年37岁的赖辉峰(音)在丛林密布的马来西亚沙捞越州(Sarawak)长大,从小就梦想能身处富豪名流之中。

8.Jenny Lai, head of Taiwan Research at HSBC, said Lenovo's sales in those two markets "would not be enough to make up the $1bn gap" .汇丰银行(HSBC)台湾研究部门主管赖惠娟(JennyLai)表示,联想在这两个市场的销售额“将不足以填补10亿美元的差距”。

9.THE deportation of Lai Changxing counts as a big victory for Chinese officialdom, which has been trying to get him back for a sopd decade.人们把赖昌星被遣返回国看成是中国政府的一个重大胜利。中国整整十年一直试图将他引渡回国。

10.A few days ago some memory came into my eyes just pke yesterday when I saw the TV show 'Kong Xi Lai Le'.几天前看着康熙来了一些记忆浮现眼前如同昨日。