




1.陆地攻击老旧巡防舰,准备建造17艘:8艘为反潜舰,另9艘为陆攻舰Land Attack)首舰2008交舰全案2017年结案。

4.降落攻击降落攻击 (Land Attack)。将包含骗人的来源 IP 位址与连接埠编号 (和目标位址与连接埠相符合) 的封包传送至电脑。

5.击地巡弋飞弹在巡弋飞弹方面中国有各种不同类型的短程反舰系列,最大射程150公里。目前正在研发中的击地巡弋飞弹Land Attack)是 …


1.In return, the British promised to protect Qatar from all aggression by sea and to lend their good offices in case of a land attack.作为回报,英国允诺保护卡塔尔不受海上侵略,同时如果其受到进攻时提供帮助。

2.Originally fielded as an anti-ship missile, BrahMos was later modified to serve as a land-attack cruise missile.布拉莫斯起初作为反舰导弹部署,随后改为攻击陆上目标的巡航导弹。

3.To do so would require preventing China from gaining air and sea dominance, and pmiting the impact of Beijing's land-attack missiles.要做到这些,必须阻止中国获得制空权和制海权,限制北京的对地攻击导弹。

4.China is also reported to be working on a land- attack cruise missile to be mounted on the vessel .中国也应做一报导的攻陆巡航飞弹将安装在船上。

5.Land attack missiles are used for earth dam inwashing.地面攻击导弹被用于土坝的内清洗。

6.of small boat Use for to short from the fixed land and islands implement and land attack the .用于对短距离固定陆地以及岛屿实施登陆打击。

7.Air-to-land attack is an important battle style for Air Force.对地突击是空军航空兵的重要作战样式。

8.An artist impression of the Chinese land-attack cruise missile.中国对陆-攻击巡航导弹的一幅艺术家想象图。