


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:促黄体生成素(Luteinizing Hormone);促黄体激素;促黄体素



abbr.1.luteinizing hormone2.left hand

1.促黄体生成素(Luteinizing Hormone)促黄体生成素lh)卵泡期2-15miu/ml 排卵期 30-100 排卵后期4-10 非排卵期 5-25催乳素(prl)0.08-0.92mmol/L雌二醇(E2…

2.促黄体生成激素促黄体生成激素(Lh) 3.76 1.9-12.5促卵泡成熟激素(FSH)6.76 2.5-10.2雌二醇(E2) 45.49 19-247孕醇(P) 0.35 0.15-1.4 …

3.促黄体激素促黄体激素浪潮指促黄体激素LH)的分泌的变动。具有性周期的动物在非妊娠的状态下,周期地反复排卵,血液中的LH水平 …

4.促黄体素(2)促黄体素(Lh) 促黄体素英文缩写为Lh,其主要作用是与促卵泡素协同作用,促进卵泡的成熟和雌激素的释放,诱使卵泡壁破 …

5.黄体激素(luteal hormone)血清黄体激素(LH)和滤泡刺激激素(FSH)的测定 LH和FSH的测定必须每隔20分钟连续取3个血液样本测定,这是因为它们呈每隔…


1.LH: Yeah, when you take a character on a lesbian show and you flip her over to a guy, then there's no way out of this.是啊,当你在一部拉拉剧里演一个拉拉,然后你把这个角色转去爱男人,那就像是走进死胡同一样。

2.LH: No, I didn't. I just had the read-through with her. And, I was just happy she was there.没有,我只是和她读剧本对台词而已,不过我很开心她有在那里。

3.Serum TG in case group in the normal range, but found a positive correlation between the LH and TG.病例组血TG在正常参考值范围里,但发现LH与TG间呈正相关。

4.LH: As an actor anyway, you always want to bring quite a bit of yourself into it because this is when you can play the truth.作为一个演员,妳常会想要把自己的部份带进角色里去,因为这是妳可以来真的时候。

5.Just bang away. (LH: any male kid) Yeah, any male kid. So that to me was an immediate, this real passion as well.(LH:每个男生)是的,每个男生,所以我就学了,很热情地。

6.LH: Yeah, I think the compatibility and chemistry is something that you can't even explain, you know.是的,我认为相容性和化学效应是无法解释的事情,你知道的。

7.LH: I'm gonna focus on music, for sure, but I don't know, if the time comes that I need to start new auditions as well.我会专注于音乐,那是肯定的,不过我不知道,如果时机来了我还是需要去为新角色试镜的。

8.LH (laughing): I said you might be happy.(笑)我说你们可能会开心。

9.I'm a very disciplined person actually, and I appreciate a lot of these traditional (LH: Values. )values and culture.我本身就是一个非常讲究规范原则的人,我受教于许多传统的价值观和文化。

10.LL: Don't worry about that! You know my family thinks you're great!LH:你们家的人都对我很好。这我知道。