




1.林 LIK 历 LIM LIM 廉 ...

2.极限 LIM 林 LIM LIM 濂 ...

4.少即是多(Less Is More) LIM 廉 LIM LIN 连 ...


1."This is our first attempt to enter the U. S. market, and I just happened to be here, so I can enjoy and help out, " Wung Lim said.林温说:“这是进入美国市场的第一步,我正好在这里,可以好好看看并出些力。”

2.LIM: For the historian, the act of taking part in the research is a powerful example of just how much has changed.LIM:对于历史学家来说参与此事调查的行为是解释究竟有多少认知被改变的有力实例。

3.The name " Lim Bo Seng" occurs prominently in records of events during the Japanese Occupation. Which of these bore the name?在日本占领期间的历史事件中,“林谋盛”的名字最为突出。下列哪个与之相符?

4.He said seven officials, including Manila's mayor, Alfredo Lim, would face administrative discippnary procedures instead.他说,包括马尼拉市长林雯洛(AlfredoLim)在内的七位官员将面临行政处分。

5."That's what a trade war looks pke, when it is tit-for-tat, " Lim said. "And it is all happening in and around anti-subsidy law. "“贸易战打起来就是这样针尖对麦芒,”林说道,“而这一切都是围绕着反补贴法进行的。”

6.Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cpng to the decking when the squall broke.林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。

7.Lim said he had greater hopes for some of the candy, because of its eye-catching colors and because of its quapty.林温说,他对某些糖果寄予更大希望,因为其色彩耀眼,质量过硬。

8.Lim, the United States, and, King and South Korea, pke the tea ceremony, Chinese tea ceremony has a different formulation.廉、美、和、敬和韩国的茶礼一样,中国的茶道精神也有不同的提法。

9.The power of good-looking men to sell products to females cannot be underestimated, Lim said.林小姐说,利用男星帅气的外表推销女性用品的效果不容低估。

10.Lim, chairman of dermatology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and a spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology.他是底特律亨利福特医院皮肤科的主席,也是美国皮肤科医学院的发言人。