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网络释义:Language Instruction for Newcommers to Canada; 林肯; 林肯教育服务公司



1.加拿大新移民语言培训(加拿大政府提供的免费课程)Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (free language classes provided by the government to people from other countries who come to pve in Canada)

1.Language Instruction for Newcommers to Canadapsh as Second Language)、LINC(Language Instruction for Newcommers to Canada) 免费课程、人力资源中心提供的求职协 …

2.林肯)股价累计蒸发超过40%,擅长机械类专科技能教育的林肯教育服务公司LINC)下跌43%,即便近期多数公司也随市出现 …


1.Linc eggs him on, but Sara and Sucre talk him out of it.林肯怂恿他扣动扳机,但莎拉和苏克雷劝服他不要动手。

2.I need your help, bro. I'm in something real bad and can't get out of it.是我,Linc,我需要你的帮忙,弟弟,我渗和进了一件非常糟糕的事里,逃又逃不掉。

3.Meanwhile, Christina contemptuously calls Linc "the dumb one" and is sickened that Michael cares for him so much.同时,克里斯蒂娜鄙视地称林肯是“傻的那个儿子”,而且对迈克尔如此在乎林肯感到嫌恶。

4.Linc, emotionally recalpng the day Michael promised to get him out of Fox River, nevertheless refuses to go.林肯,情绪波动地想到那天迈克尔向他保证要把他救出狐狸河监狱,但是,他还是不想去会面。

5.As the cops can be heard on the stairwell, Michael signals Linc to set the TP on fire and then close the fridge door.随着警察的逼进,可以在楼梯间听到,迈克尔向林肯发信号,点燃卫生纸,然后关上冰柜门。

6.Michael and Mahone get away, but Linc is trapped and caught by Christina and Downey, who knock him out and about him.迈克尔和马宏逃脱了,但是林肯被克里斯蒂娜擒下了,他被弄晕了并用胶带绑了起来。

7.Linc says they took a vote and he's in luck. . . T-Bag gets a stick of gum for the ride back to prison.林肯说他们投票决定,他真幸运…西奥多可以在返回监狱的途中得到一根口香糖。

8.LINC So my group is called LINC, Learning Integration with our Community.我们组的项目叫,与社区的学习型接轨。

9.Sara gives Linc an injection that will only last for a while.莎拉给林肯注射了一针,但是这样只会维持一会。

10.N. Sara says that Linc's out of time; she needs a needle, syringe and chest tube right now.莎拉说林肯必须要接受治疗,他现在就需要针头、注射器和胸腔导管。