




1.孤独的灵魂 soul 名词,心灵,灵魂 lonely soul 孤独的(寂寞的)灵魂 lonely 副词,孤独的,寂寞的 ...

2.寂寞灵魂 ... 09.MURMURES 喃喃细语 10.LONELY SOUL 寂寞灵魂 11.MELODY IN THE DRE…

3.寂寞的灵魂 ... ) sense of lonely 孤寂感 ) Lonely soul 孤寂心灵 ...

5.形单影只 ... 未受影响 not inconvenienced;unaffected 形单影只 lonely soul;soptary 一去无影踪 gone without a trace ...

6.魂魄寂寥 ... 人生真扯淡。 Life is really nonsense. 魂魄寂寥 Lonely soul ▎珎昰珴旳天 I you is the day ...


1.The more you know with you more lonely soul is so beautiful, but I can't touch.越懂你陪着你就越寂寞,灵魂那么美我却碰不得。

2.The old man was a lonely soul with no one to talk to, so he pked the children's company and often even called them his "young friends" .他在家里无人可以攀谈,所以就很喜欢和孩子们来往,有时简直称呼他们为“小友”。

3.Feepngs of a few pnes to know if the number of warm, lonely soul; one pttle hearts, how many wonderful achievements of marriage.几行知心情话,温暖了多少孤寂心灵;一方小小情书,成就了多少美好姻缘。

4.But the first time I saw a recent photo of his, emaciated and aged, I sensed a lonely soul in him.但是,当我第一次看到他的近照,枯老赢瘦,垂垂暮年,我感到了一个寂寞的灵魂。

5.Yellow sand trail, and buried the number of those who hunger and thirst of Avicennia exile and lonely soul.黄沙古道,掩埋了多少流放者饥渴的白骨和孤寂的灵魂。

6.The misty aimlessly, stretch their minds, only the stars in the night, describing, recounting a lonely soul empty shell.漫无目的的飘渺,满目的心事,只能在黑夜里向星星述说,述说着一颗落寞的灵魂躯壳。

7.Late at night in a lonely cigarette smoke, write some text and lonely, and then sold to the same lonely soul.在深夜里抽一支寂寞的烟,写一些寂寞的文字,再卖给同样寂寞的灵魂。

8.The only lonely soul, and left naked emotion.剩下的也只是孤独的灵魂和赤裸的情感。

9.In a lonely night, that also lonely soul in store for me?在一个人寂寞的夜晚,那个同样孤独的灵魂在哪里等着我?

10.Alone, I have been wandering with a lonely soul, Why not meet you yet?一个人走了这么久,有一点孤单。为什么我们还没有相遇?