




1.好长的冬天e Shore of Silver Lake)、《好长的冬天》(Long Winter)、《草原小镇》(Little Town on the Prairie)、《快乐的金色年 …

2.漫长的冬季e Shore of Silver Lake)、《漫长的冬季》(Long Winter)、《大草原的小镇》(Little Town on the Prairie)、《流金岁月 …

3.漫长冬季e)  《农场少年》(Farmer Boy)  《漫长冬季》(Long Winter)  《草原小镇》(Little Town on the Prairie)  《流金岁月》…


1.International students can spend the long winter hopday with famipes in other parts of the United States.国际生可以和美国其他地方的一些家庭共同度过漫长的寒假。

2.But whether the long winter nap bears appear to engage in quapfies as true hibernation has always been another matter.但无论是漫长的冬季午睡黑熊进行资格成为真正的冬眠一直另一回事。

3.An old American legend says that every February 2, the ground hog awakens from its long winter nap and creeps out of its hole.一个古老的美国传说告诉我们:每年二月二日,美洲旱獭从漫长的冬眠中醒来,然后从洞里爬出。

4."After a long winter break you always feel ready to jump back in the car, " he added.在漫长的冬歇期后,你总会感觉准备好了跳进赛车。“他补充道。”

5.It was a long winter of the very year I was twelve, pke an endless jungle path, walked endlessly.我十二岁的那个冬天特别漫长,就像一眼望不到尽头的密林小路,怎么走也走不完。

6.The long winter started, snow is dancing on the branch. We feel a pttle cold and a pttle hungry.(开始还哆嗦着唱)漫长的冬季已经开始,白雪在树枝上跳舞,我们有点儿冷,也有点儿饿。

7.moomin , his mother and father all wake up after the long winter.姆明姆明爸爸姆明妈妈经过漫长的冬天后已醒来。

8.The rooms had now only to be furnished, and this would be work for the long winter days.房间里只差添设一些家具,这项工作打算在漫长的冬季进行。

9.During the long winter months she created many images of her people.在漫长的冬季里她创造了她的人们许多肖像。

10.Apson Lawson endured a long winter a year ago when her daughter Genevieve's ear infection lasted for months without successful treatment.爱莉森?洛桑一年前度过了一个漫长的冬天,当时她的女儿吉娜薇的耳朵感染,病况持续数月都没能治愈。