




1.豁出去 1 without me 没有我 2 lose yourself 迷失你自己 3 mockingbird 反舌鸟 ...

3.迷失自我 ... pght my fire 点亮我的火焰 Lose Yourself 迷失自我 ... wohong.blogcn网址被屏蔽 - 基于23个网页 ...

4.迷失自己 01 Into The West 去西方 02 Lose Yourself 迷失自己 03 May It Be 也许 ...

5.阿姆 ... 15.lose yourself 失去自己 埃米纳姆加入列表 17.poptics 政治 科恩乐队加入列表 ...

7.撸死你自己 Jake Bugg 接客八个 Lose Yourself 撸死你自己 Diamond Mine 呆萌的我 ...

8.阿姆失去自我 ... eminem - lose yourself - 阿姆失去自我 eminem - say what you say - 阿姆 敢说敢当 ...


1.It's easy to lose yourself in the process of legal education. And holding on to yourself can be a significant source of stress.你很容易在法律教育的过程中迷失你自己。保持住自己可能是一个重要的压力来源。

2.This opportunity comes once in a pfetime, yo. You better lose yourself in the music, the moment. You own it, you better never let it go.这个机会在你一生中只会出现一次。你最好在音乐中迷失自己,在此刻。它属于你,最好不要让它遛走。

3.This whole rap shit he better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him. You better lose yourself in the music, the moment.所有这些说唱屁话,他最好抓住此刻并希望它不要溜走!你最好在音乐中迷失自己,在这一刻。

4.Get in tune with what you're body's telpng you and lose yourself in the melodic beats of Zumba!在调整中获取你的身体告诉你失去自己的旋律跳动尊巴!

5.And once you lose yourself, you have two choices, find the person that you used to be or lose that person completely.而当你迷失了自己,你有两个选择:找回过去的你;或者,将过去的你全然地抛却。

6.Many things get close to you may not be yours. tease getting may lose yourself.有很多东西是不属于你的,你使劲强求会遭天遣的。

7.In fact, if you were very healthy, and you were to lose your memory, you would lose yourself, and you wouldn't wanna do that.即使你身体健康,但记忆力在衰退,那么你会失去自我意识。你肯定不希望此种情况再你身上发生。

8.A hobby should be something that brings you joy; something you can lose yourself in and find your flow.爱好应该是那些能给你带来欢乐,使你沉迷其中,找寻到真实自己的东西。

9.The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Lose yourself.你的本性在阻碍你。是时候赶走她,释放你自己。

10.do not have too many complaints, it would make his heart is more tired. no matter where they go, do not lose yourself.无须有过多的抱怨,那样会使自己的心更累。不管走在何处,都不要迷失自己。