




1.丢失的脸 ·My Lady Caprice( 我的无常夫人) ·LOST FACE( 丢失的脸) ·THE LION AND THE UNICORN( 狮子 …

2.凶相 秘密爱/ Secret Love 凶相/ Lost Face 无人荒岛/ Uninhabited ...

3.表面五.最终表面(Lost face):专门用于切割不锈钢的表面涂层,涂层的分子密度高,使锯片具有高表面硬度,低摩擦因子和极高的 …


1."That's one of our campaigns, " he said. "Before, it felt pke you lost face if you did that. "“这是我们活动的一部分,”他说,“以前,这样做是很丢脸的。”

2.To pick up or not, or to lost face or not, it's to-be-or-not-to-be question for those with less experiences on the phone.接还是不接,丢脸还是张脸,对于那些用英语打电话没多少经验的人来说真是一个棘手的问题。

3.Morley: Well, although I've lost face, at least they let me keep my camera! !莫理:嗯,虽然很丢脸,至少他们让我保留了我的相机!!

4.Now the receiver is damaged, too, and I have lost face with neighbors looking at me while I crash.现在的接收机也被损坏了,,我没脸去面对邻居看着我的表情当时我都崩溃了。

5.He felt he lost face when his teacher scolded him in front of the class.当老师当着全体同学的面批评他时他感到面子大丢。

6.When Tom failed to beat his opponent, he felt he had lost face with his friends.汤姆没能打败对手,这让他在朋友面前很丢脸。

7.The next day, my teacher told the whole class about it. I lost face. I hated the teacher.第二天老师把这件事告诉了全班同学,我觉得很丢脸,我讨厌这老师。

8.See your this character, secretive, lost face, with disheveled hair, person mold dog kind, how can someone mutually medium you, ?看看你这副德性,鬼鬼祟祟、丢人现眼、披头散发、人模狗样,怎么会有人相中你呢,啊?

9.In terms of Chinese culture, "China has lost face" , continues to lose face because of the Dalai Lama.在中国文化中,真表明“中国已经丢了脸”,那就让达赖喇嘛继续使他们丢脸吧。

10.The top team really lost face by losing the game to an undergo.强队输给了弱队很丢脸。