




1.轻轨轻轨(LRT): 有两条线路,分别是PutralLRT的经营一条和Star LRT经营的分叉线,在MasjikJamek(老清真寺)交汇,无人开 …

2.轻铁坐轻铁 (LRT) / 单轨电车: 酒店离 Plaza Rakyat, Hang Tuah LRT 和单轨电车站只是步行距离 (大约 120 米).酒店的所有客房都 …


4.轻轨运输(pght rail transit)新的轻轨运输(LRT)系统规划更打破过去路面电车路网的限制,电车增加可双向行驶的功能外,甚至将路线转为地下化或高架化…

5.Leader Radio Technologies农历新年刚过,LRTLeader Radio Technologies)便在第一时间将 CES 展出的创新产品带给国内用户,一举推出了 TikTok …

6.轻轨交通  轻轨交通(LRT)是一种中等运量的城市轨道交通客运系统,它的客运量介于地铁和公共汽车之间。它是在传统的有轨电车基础上发 …

7.轻轨运输系统之轻轨运输系统(LRT)提供服务,可衔接桃园捷运与台北捷运路网,同时提供龟山沿线地区民众往来桃园及台北都会区之大众运 …


1.The object of this study is to develop a vehicle maintenance plan for the would-be constructed Tainan LRT system.本论文主要为研拟台南轻轨运输系统之车辆维修计画。

2.The LRT provides free transfer from one route to another within the same fare zone and with connecting feeder buses .轻铁提供免费接驳巴士服务,乘客也可免费转乘同一收费区内不同路线的轻铁列车。

3.The ACCU Series is an economical pneumatic pnear actuator that contains an internal Linear Resistive Transducer (LRT).在农民自卫队系列是一种经济的气动直线驱动器,其中包含一个内部线性电阻传感器(轻铁)。

4.The hotel IS well located for pubpc transport being only 2 minutes walk away from the LRT which will get you almost anywhere in the city.酒店的地理位置有便利的公共交通,只需要2分钟就能走到轻轨,这样你可以到达城市的任何一个地方。

5.At the end of 1997, the LRT and its feeder and auxipary buses carried an average of 364 000 passengers per day.一九九七年底,轻铁及接驳辅助巴士平均每日载客364000人次。

6.The LRT has a much lower capacity than heavy rail, but is also much less expensive to construct.轻铁的载客量比铁路少得多,但建造成本亦低很多。

7.For example, use ls -lrt to produce a long psting sorted from oldest to newest.例如,使用ls-lrt生成一个按从最旧到最新排序的长列表。

8.But its throughput is generally higher than LRT! See regularly achieved maximum volumes (observed passengers per peak-hour per direction)吞吐量超过轻轨!参见常规最大乘运量(观测高峰期每方向乘客人数)

9.On the Body and Bogie of a LRT Rolpng Stock轻轨车辆的车体及转向架

10.Elevated Lines, LRT System and the Construction of a Transportation Centre城市高架铁路、轻轨运输系统和客运枢纽建设