




1.鲁源传动机械有限公司 ... 诚信天下 CHENGXINTIANXIA 旅院 LUYUAN 树虫草 SHUCHONGCAO ...

3.西安 【锦衣卫】蓝色玫瑰 helen_801014yahoo网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 西安 luyuan_198101 【锦衣卫】小楠楠 dingo_force163.c…

4.天沐音像 ylxd 星海乐器 : 0.22 % luyuan 天沐音像 : 0.22 % ASUS 华硕 B : 0.43 % ...

5.卖家 yunmei 爱玩模型中心 卖家: : 0.22 % luyuan 天沐音像 卖家: : 0.22 % KA 卡版死神 : 0.44 % ...


1.As she walked, Luyuan giddily ticked off the terms of her new job.她一边走,一边简单回顾了一下自己新的工作。

2.Sitting on the couch, Luyuan fpcked through her photo album and found a picture of herself from a couple of years earper.李芦媛坐在沙发上,翻看自己的相册,找到一张几年前的照片。

3.In June, a man from one of the real-estate agencies across the road called Luyuan on her mobile phone.6月份,马路对面一家房地产中介机构的人打电话到李芦媛的手机,问她是否愿意过去跟他聊一下。

4.On her path from factory worker to real- estate agent , Luyuan had started spouting common refrains from the state-controlled newspaper .随着李芦媛从一名工厂女工转变为房地产中介,她也开始滔滔不绝谈论国有报纸上常常出现的话题。

5.Luyuan marched in and sat down opposite a manager.李芦媛走了进去,在一位经理对面坐了下来。

6.That morning , he had presented Luyuan with a huge bouquet of roses and other flowers wrapped in pink paper and a giant purple bow .这天早上,他送了李芦媛一大捧花,有玫瑰,也有别的花,用粉色的纸包着,还有一个紫色的巨大蝴蝶结。

7.Three agencies occupied Luyuan's block alone, each with its own army of commissioned youth.仅在李芦媛负责的区域就有三家中介机构,每家都派出了年轻的销售队伍。

8.At 20, Luyuan was getting too old still to be single in the countryside. In Shenzhen, she was considered too young for marriage.放在乡下,20岁的李芦媛算是老姑娘了,但在深圳,她还太小,未到适婚年龄。

9.Luyuan said she had read in a newspaper article that some university graduates don't make good salespeople.李芦媛说,她从一篇报纸文章中了解到,一些大学生也成为不了好的销售员。

10.Six months later, Luyuan paced the balcony of her new apartment, talking into her mobile phone.6个月后,李芦媛在她新公寓的阳台上一边踱步,一边讲手机。