




1.鲍威尔湖鲍威尔湖lake powell)是为纪念美国第一个漂流此河并建议开发水利的先驱而命名的。它的面积是米德湖的两倍多,有各种 …

2.包威尔湖之后,我们前往包威尔湖;当我们亲眼见识壮丽的【包威尔湖】(Lake Powell),感到非常震撼;然而,这个美丽的大湖并不是 …

3.包伟湖这里有风光迤逦的包伟湖(Lake Powell),雄伟壮观的马蹄湾(Horseshoe Bend),及大峡谷科罗拉多河漂流的始发点(Lee's Ferry) …

4.鲍尔湖1.由鲍尔湖Lake Powell)西南缘的佩奇(Page)出发,采89号公路西行,在苦泉(Bitter Springs)转89A公路往北,途经大 …

5.包尔湖  水库印象包尔湖LAKE POWELL)也就是格蓝峡谷休闲区(Glen Cayon Recreation Area),都是全世界最高的水库-胡佛水 …

6.走访包威尔湖走访包威尔湖( Lake Powell )~4 走访包威尔湖( Lake Powell )~3 印度之旅~6古达明那塔印度之旅~5阿格拉堡印度之旅~4泰姬玛 …


1.Many areas of Lake Powell's shore can only be reached by boat or on foot.鲍威尔湖一些岸边只能靠驾船或徒步才能到达。

2.A sustained drought has shriveled Lake Powell in the Southwest to expose a red-rock wonderland drowned decades ago.持续的干旱已经让鲍威尔湖的西南部干枯,露出了几十年前被淹没的如仙境一般的红色岩石。

3.The peak inflow to Lake Powell occurs in mid- to late spring as the winter snow in the Rockies melts.鲍威尔湖补水高峰在春季中后期,此时洛基山脉的冬季积雪正在消融。

4.A new lake, called Lake Powell, was created in Arizona of the United States in 1963.年,在美国的亚利桑那州,修建了一个叫鲍维尔湖的新湖。格伦峡谷大坝拦截科罗拉多河,形成这个湖。

5.Caption: : Two boulders with very different tales sit on the shore of Padre Bay, an arm of Lake Powell.两块大圆石各有各的际遇,如今一起坐在鲍威尔湖的支流帕德拉湾边。

6.At Lake Powell, the red stone arch of Rainbow Bridge rises high above the blue lake.在鲍威尔湖,有一座彩虹石桥高高凌驾于蓝蓝的湖面之上(甚是壮观)。

7.The cracked bed of Utah's drought-plagued Lake Powell bakes under the desert sun.在犹他州,受干旱困扰的鲍威尔湖的皲裂河床忍受着沙漠骄阳的炙烤。

8.The local airpne fpes to Lake Powell.当地的飞机航线有飞往包威尔湖。

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10.Lake Powell - Horseshoe Bend - Monument Valley - Laughpn包伟湖马蹄湾纪念碑山谷拉福林