




1.安全降落 free fall 自由降落 land safely 安全降落 vertical landing 垂直降落 ...

2.安全着陆 land pollution 土地污染 land safely 安全着陆 landing accident 着陆事故;降落事故 ...

3.安全地着陆 起飞(脱衣服) take off 安全地着陆 land safely 在某些方面 in some ways ...


1.The small boat arrives on dry land safely and the old man leaves. Because Love is so happy, she forgets to ask for his name.小船安全地到达了陆地,老人独自走了。爱因为太高兴了,竟然忘了问老人的名字。

2.He took his airplane off the ground, flew for ten minutes, and then returned to land safely.他驾驶飞机起飞,飞了十分钟,然后安全着陆。

3.He led the ships down the river to a place where the British army could land safely and take the enemy by surprise.他率领船队顺流而下,到达英军可以安全登陆的地点,并对敌军发起突然袭击。

4.Where the British army could land safely and take the enemy by surprise.在那儿英国军队安全登陆并出其不意地袭击了敌人。

5.These described the panic and terror as the plane tried, but failed, to land safely near the city of Yichun.他们述说这当飞机试图安全降落在靠近伊春市失败后哪种恐慌和害怕之感。

6.Fasten yourselves to the parachutes. Try to escape as instructed by the hostess in case that the plane cannot land safely.请大家系好自己的降落伞,一旦飞机无法安全着陆,大家要根据我们的乘务员教给大家的方法逃生。

7.Like many boats before it that have reached land safely, the wrecked vessel is thought to have set out from Indonesia.正如先前许多安全到达该岛的船一样,失事船应该也是从印度尼西亚出发的。

8.Like many boats before that have reached land safely, the wrecked vessel is thought to have set out from Indonesia.像之前很多安全抵达的船一样,这艘失事船被认为是从印尼出发的。

9.Results of simulations and sea experiments show that the AUV can land safely and smoothly on the sea bottom with the strategy.仿真和水域实验的结果都证明采用该着陆策略能够安全、平稳地实现水下着陆。

10.could land safely and take the enemy by surprise.安全地着陆,出其不意袭击敌人。