




1.熔岩湖 lava fountain 熔岩喷泉 lava lake 熔岩湖 lava neck 熔岩颈 ...

2.岩浆湖公园起始点处有一座当时火山爆发后熔岩堆积截断河流形成的堰塞冰河湖,称为岩浆湖(Lava Lake)。湖面不大,甚为狭长,站 …

3.瓦湖还有在拉瓦湖Lava lake),西拉(Siira)十字路口,乌玛,以及孔宁基拉(Konnunkyla)都有“柴堆”。另外还有一些“未列入 …


1.Situated along the Great Rift Valley, Nyiragongo had a lava lake in its summit crater, which burst during the night in January 1977.尼拉贡戈火山沿着东非大裂谷矗立,在山顶火山口有一个熔岩湖,于1977年1月份的一个夜里喷发。

2.Through a war zone, up a mountain, down a crater, to the edge of a lava lake, he had it.在穿越战火纷飞的恐怖地带,历尽千辛万苦的长途跋涉之后,他冒险来到了熔岩湖边,终得如愿以偿。

3.it is a lava lake , with a length of 3 kilometres and a width of only 300 meters , thus being named long lake.湖长3公里,宽仅300米,故名。湖中有蓬莱岛,湖底布满参差错落的石笋石柱。

4.By a team of scientists and intrepid explorers delve into mountain Nyiragongo deep pit along the boipng lava Lake trips and expeditions.由科学家和勇敢的探险者组成的团队深入到尼拉贡戈火山坑深处,沿着沸腾的熔岩湖边进行考察和探险。

5.Magma churns and gushes in the lava lake of Mount Nyiragongo, one of Africa's most active volcanos, in Goma, Congo.岩浆搅动并在尼拉贡戈,非洲最活跃的火山之一,在戈马,刚果涌出熔岩湖。

6.is a lava lake where temperatures are over a thousand degrees centigrade.却是一个温度超过一千摄氏度的熔岩湖

7.Is there any common plate or lava lake to all of these quakes?是否有某些板块或岩浆湖与这些地震有关呢?

8.The Lava Lake Land &Livestock ranch has pioneered the nonlethal management of wolves.这座位于熔岩湖地区的牧场开创了对狼的非致命性管理。

9.The most recent recorded activity was a boipng lava lake observed in the area around 1850.最近一次有记录的火山活动大约是在1850年左右观察到的一个沸腾的熔岩湖。

10.you can actually look right into the lava lake.你可以直接看到熔岩湖