




1.死亡之旅itial D)思路/a1080[BDRip] 《死亡之旅》(Left for Dead)[DVDRip] 《神枪手之死》(The Assassination of Jesse James)思路/a7…

2.求生之路 地点:秘鲁( Peru) 第一关 逃生Left for Dead) 第二关 突围( Breakout) ...

5.生死相伴 ... ·生死赛车 POD ·影子部队:生死相伴 Shadow Company:Left for Dead ·生死之间2末日传说 Dead Or Live …

6.死剩四人 ... left for dead 死剩四人 LEFT 4 DEAD, 我个人认为翻译成求生四人组好点 ...

7.逃离死亡 ... 9、Marine Down( 复活) 10、Left For Dead逃离死亡) 11、Spy Ey…

8.英文名 ... 麦克·麦克唐纳德 Mac McDonald 英文名: Wrong Turn 3:Left for Dead ◎导 演 Declan O'Brie…


1.Mikhail Beketov, editor of a local newspaper, was pummelled with metal poles by an unknown number of attackers and left for dead.MikhailBeketov,这位当地一家报纸的编辑被一群不明人数的攻击者用金属杆连续击打至奄奄一息。

2.Even more astounding, many of these sales are going to desktop PCs, rather than laptops -- a category many analysts had left for dead.更令人意外的是,这些销量的大部分在于桌面PC——这一许多分析师断言以行将就木的类型,而非笔记本电脑。

3.Has the psychopath been reincarnated as one of the seven teens, or did he survive the night he was left for dead?到底是这个变态杀手已经转生为七个小孩中的一个,还是他当年根本就没死?

4.I heard about women being molested in their beds, flogged in their burqas, left for dead in parking lots, acid burned in their kitchens.我听到过女人们在床上被侵犯,身穿罩袍被鞭打,在停车场被弃置死亡,在厨房被腐蚀液体烧伤。

5.Procrastination , running circles in my head. While you sit there contemplating, you wound up left for dead (left for dead).迟疑,在我脑海中盘旋。当你坐在那里沉思时,你最终会被留给死亡(留给死亡)。

6.Backstory and lesson: Many companies were left for dead in early 2009, as the financial markets collapsed.基本信息和经验:随着金融市场的崩溃,2009年初许多企业踏上了死亡之旅。

7.Left for dead, none of the people made it back home.留在那些地方只能等死,没有一个人回来。

8.An old master heals a left-for-dead widow and teaches her how to kickbox for revenge.一个老师傅救治了一个濒死的寡妇,并教会她跆拳道,然后去复仇。

9.Now investors won't buy such securities and the shadow banking system has been left for dead.现在,投资者不会购买此类证券,影子银行体系也名存实亡。

10.Jesus tells a story of a man who is beaten, robbed, and left for dead, only to be cared for by a Samaritan man, his enemy.在耶稣讲的故事中,有一个被殴打、抢劫,和丢下等死的人,最后他只靠一个与他敌对的撒玛利亚人照顾他;