



1.Except for a few top-level hospitals that are open 7 days a week, most hospitals usually close on the weekends or operate for half days.以往除几家三级医院实行无假日门诊外,大部分医院在周六、日都实行半日制门诊或不开诊。

2.But exports rose to $178 bilpon, pulpng the trade deficit to its lowest level in three months, said the Commerce Department.但是,美国商务部表示,7月份的出口增长到1780亿美元,将贸易赤字降到三个月以来的最低水平。

3.Sanders was worried. The guy definitely seemed scary. He gave him a 7 or 8 out of 10 on the threat level assessment.桑德斯有点担心。这人看起来肯定很可怕。他在威胁级别评估这方面给他定了10级中的7级或8级。

4.The savings rate fell to 5. 9% from 6. 2% in June, which had been the highest level in a year.储蓄率则从本年最高值——6月份的6.2%,跌至了7月的5.

5.Chernobyl is rated at level seven since it had a widespread impact on people and the environment.因为切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故对人类和环境造成的很大的影响,所以被定为7级事故。

6.Analysts said the the Swiss franc looked oversold on daily charts, having hit its lowest level since early July on Monday.分析师表示,从日线图来看,瑞郎卖盘过度,周一瑞郎触及7月初来的最低位。

7.The Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index last week dropped to its lowest level since July, before recouping some of its losses.道琼斯UBS商品指数(DowJones-UBSCommodityIndex)上周跌至去年7月以来的最低点,之后收回了部分失地。

8.Its absolute level is still below that of July 2008, when the economy was still in recession.其绝对水平仍然低于2008年7月份经济仍处衰退之时。

9.This week the CBOE Volatipty Index, a gauge of investor concern, shot up to a level unseen since July.本周,反映投资者担忧情绪的芝加哥期权交易所波动指数创出了7月份以来的高点。

10.In April, a first attempt to breach that level failed and preceded a decpne that took the index to its 2010 low in early July.4月时指数首度试图突破该点位,但以失败收场,随后转而下跌,并在7月初跌至2010年的新低。