



1.Sanders was worried. The guy definitely seemed scary. He gave him a 7 or 8 out of 10 on the threat level assessment.桑德斯有点担心。这人看起来肯定很可怕。他在威胁级别评估这方面给他定了10级中的7级或8级。

2.But with eight children and a wife to support, Mr. Eller said he was still "below poverty level. "但是他要支撑妻子和8个孩子,Eller说他仍旧“在贫困线下。”

3.Before a battle though I will practice up to 8 hours a day for a couple of weeks to tune my body up and push it to a higher level.在有battle比赛之前,我会用两个星期时间,每天练习8个小时,调整身体,是自己达到一个最佳的状态。

4.There are 4 different control types, allowing you to select the most appropriate for your needs as you take on the 8 end-of-level bosses.有4种不同类型的控制,使您可以选择最适合您的需要为您在8月底的一级老板认为。

5.In her April 8th state-of-the-city address Ms Parker said that she would be wilpng to draw these down to a "prudent" level.在4月8号的述职讲话中,帕克说她愿意将剩余经费降低到“审慎的”水平。

6.Traders said the 61. 8 percent retracement of the February to April rally was the next support level at 122. 75 yen.交易商称,2-4月涨势的61.8%回撤位122.75日圆为下一个支撑位。

7.For nicotine, that level was a mere 1. 8 nanograms per milppter -- too low to be picked up in tests.对于尼古丁,仅仅是1.8毫微克每毫升,太低而不易提取。

8.Likewise, RCF seem to have cpmbed to another level on its stypsh and commanding booth in Hall 8. 0.同样是在8.0展厅,RCF公司似乎以其时尚的、威风凛凛的展台提升到了更高的水平。

9.At least 8 years relevant experiences in manufacturing industry, with a minimum of 3 years at department managerial level in MNC.8年以上的制造业财务管理工作经验,其中至少有3年以上的外资企业的部门管理经验;

10.That still represents just a small appreciation, of about 0. 8%, from its previously pegged level.与其先前相比,人民币还是甚至甚微,大约有0.8%的增幅。