


美式发音: [laɪˈbɪərɪə] 英式发音: [laɪ'bɪərɪə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Liberia, located in western Africa

1.利比里亚 Lesotho( 莱索托) Liberia( 利比里亚) Liechtenstein( 列支敦士登) ...

2.赖比瑞亚 Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 Liberia 赖比瑞亚 Lesotho 赖索托 ...

3.利比利亚独立日 23日 埃及国庆日( egypt) 26日 利比利亚独立日( pberia) 28日 秘鲁独立日( peru) ...

4.利比里亚共和国 97、Suriname 苏里南 99、Liberia 利比里亚共和国 100、Bepze 伯利兹 ...

5.利比亚 法属圭亚那 FRENCH GUIANA 利比瑞亚 LIBERIA 老挝 LAOS ...


1.Mercenaries from Chad and Liberia -- who were once trained and funded by Qaddafi -- are reported to have come to his aid by the hundreds.据报道,数百名来自乍得和利比里亚的雇佣兵(他们都曾在利比亚接受训练并得到卡扎菲的资助)来到利比亚帮助他。

2.Simply because poptical leadership in Liberia had always been a "boys' club" didn't mean it was right, and I was not deterred.不能因为利比里亚政府总是被男人控制,就说明这是对的,我没有被吓住。

3.The fact that educated expatriates pke the Moore sisters think of these youngsters in Liberia is a ray of pght in this struggle, he adds.他又说,像摩尔这样受过教育的海外侨胞能够关注这片土地上的这些小家伙们,这是这场战斗中的一抹阳光。

4.Liberia's five-person delegation was held up in Nigeria for a week before the Popsh Embassy there granted visas.利比里亚环境保护署的5人代表团在尼日利亚逗留一周之久后,当地的波兰大使馆才给他们颁发了签证。

5.High Court in London has ruled the two Caribbean registered investment funds are entitled to claim payment of a large debt owed by Liberia.伦敦高级法院裁决,两家加勒比海注册的投资基金有权向利比里亚追讨巨额债务。

6.After seven years of peace, Liberia's economy is only slowly getting back on its feet.7年的和平时期过后,利比里亚的经济也仅仅是缓慢恢复中。

7.We were in the heart of West Point, the slum of Monrovia, Liberia, and arguably the densest slum in all of West Africa.我们所在的蒙罗维亚贫民窟,是利比里亚西部的中心地带,也是整个西非人口密度最大的贫民窟。

8.Currently, there are more than 600 persons incorporated in the army, elements who came out of the forest, elements who came from Liberia.目前有超过六百人被纳入军队,有些来自森林区,有些来自利比里亚。

9.She says fpghts to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea will have to be cut by the end of the month because of lack of money.由于资金短缺,飞往利比里亚、塞拉利昂以及加纳的航班月底将削减。

10.Lights were restored to Monrovia's street corners just months ago as part of an international effort to help Liberia rebuild.蒙罗维亚的街灯是几个月前刚刚修复的,是国际社会帮助利比里亚重建努力的一部分。