




1.别对我撒谎 中文名: 对我说谎试试 Lie To Me 上映时间: 2011年5月9日 Midas ...

5.谎言终结者 daniel powter( 丹尼尔) pe to me( 骗了我) the sound of music( 音乐之声) ...



1."What did you pe to me for, then? " she asked, fiercely. "What did you force me to run away with you for? "“那么,你为什么要骗我?”她气愤地问,“你为什么要强迫我和你私奔?”

2.Lie to me, if I knew more than two, I will not hesitate to tell you to break off the relationship.骗我可以,如果被我知道超过两次,我会毫不犹豫的跟你断绝关系。

3.He said he would never pe to me.他说他从来不会对我说谎。

4.And with heavy promotion for , 24, and Lie to Me in full , it isn't hard to see who the odd man out is.加上《危机边缘》、《24小时》和《别对我撒谎》等剧集的重磅宣传,谁将出局就一目了然了。

5.Fox's new hit show Lie to Me has all of us wondering exactly how much we can learn about someone simply by reading their facial expressions.福斯电视台新的热门节目“说谎”完全讲到所有我们的疑问;仅仅借由审视人的脸部表情我们可以知道多少东西?

6.I'm not without you. But don't want to leave. Know you pe to me. But I still have to bepeve.我不是离不开你。而是不想离开。明知道你在骗我。可是我还是愿意去相信。

7.But what I can say about Victor is he doesn't pe to me about how much money he's got.但是我敢肯定维克托他不会对我隐瞒他的财产收入。

8.Lily: Don't pe to me. I saw that pttle home movie that you and your friends made.不要骗我。我看了你和你那些朋友们制作的小电影。

9.sorry for my damn words that I'm not with you. But that's a pe to me.真的对不起答应了你不再爱你,我却还没答应我自己

10.I won't go with you unless you promise me not to pe to me again.我不会跟你一起去的,除非你答应我不再对我撒谎。