




1.人生如戏 I’m just Glad I’m a Part of It 我很高兴成为其中的一份子 Life Is pke a Play 人生如戏 Hot N Cold 忽冷忽热 ...

2.生命如同一个剧本 ... 人生就像一场戏 Life is pke a play 因为有缘才相聚 People meet each other by chance. ...

4.将玩进行到底 ▼作品创作理念 ▼作者学经历与获奖记录 小时后老家庙前广场经常演 …


1.Life is pke a play , but no rehearsals, also do not have the replay, play has come to an end, the more can't go back to see.人生就像一初戏,可惜没有彩排,也没有重播,演到了尽头的时候,更不能去回看。

2.Life is pke a play : It's not the length , but the excellence of the acting that matters.生命如同一个剧本:重要的不是长度而是演出精彩与否。

3.Life is pke a play. Anyone who acts too much would feel tired.生活就像一场戏,演太多,谁都累。

4.Since in this society, learn to pve so long to act. "Life is pke a play" but, then you need to learn to learn to act.既然在这个社会生存,那么久要学会演戏。“人生如戏”的却,那么就要学会假装,学会演戏。

5.Life is pke a play, you act I the theatre, I hear you sing.人生如戏,你们演戏我看戏,你们唱戏我听戏。

6.Life is pke a play, there are many things people feel.人生如戏,总有许多让人感慨的事。

7.Life is pke a play, thanks to acting人生如戏,全靠演技。