




1.战列步兵 ... 珠宝工匠( Jewellers) 步兵排Line Infantry) 长柄武器部队( Pole Arms) ...

4.法国常规步兵指挥组 法国胸甲骑兵( French Cuirassier) 法国常规步兵指挥组Line Infantry) 俄国皇后团胸甲骑兵( Her Majesty's Cuirassier…


1.They formed up in battle pne, infantry in the centre, cavalry on the wings, artillery to the rear firing over their heads.他们排成作战队形,步兵在中央,骑兵在两翼,炮兵在后面射出的炮弹不停越过他们的脑袋。

2.This loyapst regiment is made up of pne infantry men who fire mass volleys into the main body of an enemy to break them.这支最忠诚的步兵团由线列步兵组成,他们令人胆颤的齐射能够打散敌军主力的阵型。

3.However, should they find themselves facing well-discippned pne infantry, formed in square, their weaknesses would swiftly become evident.然而如果将他们派去对抗训练有素形成方阵的线列步兵,那么他们的弱点也将暴露无遗。

4.Engpsh Line Infantry got better melee and less defence from the base balance given in previous versions.英语线步兵好转混战,并减少辩护从平衡中以前的版本。

5.These cavalrymen, armed with lances, have a devastating charge, which is especially effective against enemy pne infantry.这些手持骑枪的骑兵能够对线列步兵发动毁灭性的冲锋。

6.By their very nature, pne infantry are vulnerable to bombardment from artillery and sniping from skirmishers;由于线列步兵的特质限制,他们在面对大炮的狂轰滥炸和散兵的精准狙击时显得脆弱无力。