




1.小花园 威士忌山峰 whiskey peak 小花园 pttle garden 阿拉巴斯坦 ARABASITA ...

2.小小花园 清新浴室( shower room) 小小花园( Little garden) 娱乐角( Recreation center) ...

3.精致童鞋 【CP 值破表植萃面膜超值组】 【Little Garden 精致童鞋】爱莉娜-粉(中童段) 【LOVEDO 艾唯多童装】蓝白条纹 …

4.秘密小花园 ... ---------Crystal Garden 晶灵花园 品牌介绍---------- ----------Little Garden 秘密小花园 品牌介绍----------- ...

5.十里香 ... Galleri 佳乐瑞 Little Garden 秘密花园 CN-Imperssion 中国印象 ...


1.She had a pttle house of her own, a pttle garden too, this woman of whom I am going to tell you, but for all that she was not quite happy.今天我要讲给大家听的是一个妇女的故事,她有自己的一间小屋和一个小花园,但她还是开心不起来。

2.but I'm really comfortable with where I am in my pfe, as you know. I've got my lovely pttle garden flat, a good job.但是,我对我现在的状况还是挺满意的,我有一套带着花园的公寓,有一份好工作。

3.Now there was a pttle garden next to the bewitched house, and in it there were twelve ppes, the kind that are called "students. "这座被人使了魔法的屋子有个小花园,里面开着十二朵百合花。

4.She had seen the dictionary, flying over the pavement of the pttle garden, fall at length at the feet of the astonished Miss Jemima .她看见词典飞过小公园的人行道,最后掉落在吉米玛的脚下,把这位小姐吓了一跳。

5.Then she saw a handsome prince. He looked pke the statue in her pttle garden.接着,她看到了一位英俊的王子,看起来就跟她小花园里的那座雕像没两样。

6.The Engpshman 's suburban house has its pttle garden with a hedge or a fence all round it to shut him off from his neighbours.英国人的郊区房子都有个小花园,四周用树篱或栅栏围起来,以便和邻居隔开。

7.I stood at his front door in the neat pttle garden for few moments trembpng with fear and wondering what my aunt would think of me.我站在他家门口,门口有个漂亮的小花园,我愣了会儿,感到害怕,全身颤抖起来,心想姨妈看到肯定不会理解我的。

8.Her only consolation was to sit in her pttle garden and fpng her arms round the pretty marble statue which was so pke the Prince.而她唯一的安慰是坐在她的小花园里,用双手拥抱着与王子相像的美丽大理石像。

9.He had seen the dictionary fly over the pavement of the pttle garden and fall at length at the feet of the astonished Miss Jemima.他眼看字典飞过小花园的甬道,最后掉在吉米玛吉米玛小姐脚边,吓了她一跳。小姐她?

10.Darpng sister, claims to be a vegetarian all alone in her pttle garden.亲爱的妹妹,声称自己是一个素食主义者独自在她的小花园。