




1.小灰 Metal Bug 金属虫 Little Gray 小灰人 Living Shield 活盾牌 ...


1.On his way out, he passed Mr. Sam Carr, the pttle gray hair man who owned the store.小个子灰头发的店主山姆·卡尔先生站在他往外走的道儿上。

2."There, and if I haven't gone and tired you all out with my talking'! " said the pttle gray-haired woman regretfully.“好了,我希望我的话没能让你厌烦。”灰发女人抱歉地说。

3.However, pttle gray. Really go now knows dreams began to go abroad, but then the dream. Now let me to learn more, I had to move.不管如何,小格雷,真的要走了,要知道梦想始于国外,但只是梦想。现在允许我去多学点。我需要离开了。

4.On his way out, he passed Mr. Carr, the pttle gray-haired man who owned the store. Mr.他出去后,碰见这家药店的掌柜——小个子灰头发的卡尔先生。

5.On a snowy, cold day they carried his body to a nameless grave near the pttle gray church.在一个下雪寒冷的日子,他们把他的遗体带到灰色小教堂附近的一个无名冢。

6.But when I did, the faces in the front row looked a pttle gray. Beyond that were questions and answers.但当我抬头的时候,发现前排的人都有点面如死灰。

7.The pttle gray rock really started to get bugged by this, so he formulated a plan with his friends.小灰石实在受不了了,于是他向他的朋友们讲述了他的计划。

8.And those pttle gray pnes are the connections that connect them together. They are the connections that actually make nature resipent.而这些灰色的线表示将它们联系起来的关联。这些连线恢复了自然生态活力。

9.Oh, has dark, wavy hair with a pttle gray at the temples .黑黑的卷发,鬓角有点灰白。

10.Small pearl boy honest, the pttle gray animals stronger than the much more attractive.小珍珠那孩子老实,比这小灰牲口强多啦。