




1.小汤姆 ... A Beautiful Girl 一个漂亮女孩 Little Tommy 小汤姆 Two New Students 两位新同学 ...


1.Unfortunately, I have to take care of my pttle Tommy. Thank you for thinking of me.太不巧了,我要照顾小孩,汤米。谢谢你的邀请。

2.When pttle Tommy's brother showed up, the bully turned on his heel.小汤米的大哥出现时,恶汉拔腿就溜。

3.Don't blame your brothers for everything, pttle Tommy! It takes two to tango.汤米;别老是怪你哥。一个巴掌拍不响。

4.Little Tommy Tucker sings for his supper.小汤米·塔克为吃饭而工作

5.Little Tommy got a goose egg on the math exam.小汤米在数学考试中得了个零蛋。

6.Little Tommy was asleep now, and when the boys woke him up, he was scared.此刻,小汤米睡着了,当他们把他叫醒时,他非常惧怕。

7.The pies in the store window made Little Tommy's mouth water.店铺橱窗里摆的馅饼使小汤米馋涎欲滴。

8.Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Scout.谁把她抱出来?是小童军汤米。

9.After his mum came back, pttle Tommy became happy in no time.小汤姆在妈妈回来以后立刻变得高兴起来。

10.eg: Little Tommy, stay away from John, he is a big bully.小汤姆,离约翰远点,他可是个爱欺负人的霸王。