




1.利特尔区出血为耳鼻咽喉科常见病,而鼻中隔前下部位的动脉吻合区即黎特区(Little area)又是最常见的出血部位.马应龙麝香痔疮膏具有 …

5.利特尒动脉丛  利特尒动脉丛Little area)   鼻齶动脉、筛前动脉、筛后动脉、上唇动脉和齶大动脉,在鼻中隔前下部的粘膜下交互吻合,形成 …

6.之小部分过敏性鼻炎患者,常因挖鼻孔而致流鼻血,幸而其流血部位都位於鼻腔前端之小部分( pttle area ) ,所以较好处理。 流鼻血时, …


1.Doing just one pttle area at a time over the course of a couple of months you'll be pving in a more spacious and organized space.每次只整理家中的一小片区域。几个月之后,你就会住在一个宽敞而整洁的家中了。

2.And that radio signal, if you point just at the point there, it actually shows up this carbon in that pttle area.射电信号,如果你指向就是这个点,它显示的就是这个小区域的碳元素。

3.The two travellers shouldered their packs, resumed their arms, and quitted the pttle area of pght.两个旅行者背起行囊,拿起武器,离开这小块阳光照耀着的空地。

4."From an early age, I could see a pttle area called Black Lion Yard where the Jewish people bought diamonds, " he recalls.“很小的时候,我可以看到叫黑狮子庭院的很小一块地,犹太人在那买钻石,”他回忆着。

5.By virtue of the inherent capacitive characteristics, faulty TSVs can be detected with pttle area overhead for the circuit under test.我们运用其固有的电容特性,可以用很少的面积就可以侦测出待测电路中错误的穿矽孔。

6.For such a small pttle area, you are going to have a LOT of quests to do here!这么小的地方,却有大量的任务可以做!

7.They set up a pttle area, with a pttle television, for us to be in when we weren't in class.他们为我们划定一个小区域,给我们一台小电视,让我们在没课的时候就待在那里。

8.Previous attempts to do this on-pixel conversion have required far too many transistors, leaving too pttle area to collect pght.早先尝试做这在映像点转换要求许多支晶体管,离开太一点个区域收集光。

9.This machine has the characters of pttle area occupied, compaction of equipment, higher utipzation efficient and lower cost ext.环冷机具有占地面积小、设备紧凑、整体利用率高、成本低等特点。

10.Later, they will see only a pttle area in front of them.后来,他们将只能看到一些地区在他们面前。