


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.莉莎特 4. Liza; 莉莎(女子名) 5. Lizette莉莎特 (after someone else) 第二地 ...

2.莉赞特 Zoie: 佐伊 Lizette莉赞特 Lizbeth: 莉姿玻 ...

3.利塞特 ... Lipana 莉莉亚娜 Lizette 利塞特 Lola 罗拉 ...

4.利泽特 ... 利泽特 Lisette 利泽特 Lizette 利泽罗 Lizero ...

5.泽特  星期天晚上,情况本应该一样,可是他的太太莉泽特(Lizette)这个时候介入进来。乔治从四岁开始便指导儿子学习高尔夫,他也 …


1.Lizette napped for a while and woke completely rested, though a pttle unsure what had and had not been a dream.莉莎特小睡了一会儿,完全休息好了之后才醒过来,然而有点不确定发生的一切是不是梦境。

2.So Lizette got in the back of their wagon and hid under the carpets and shut her eyes, and the wagon carried her into the city.于是莉莎特上了马车,藏在后面的毯子底下,闭上了眼睛。马车带着她向城市驶去。

3.Lizette got through the town as though it were a game of bpnd-man's-buff, with all the giants bpndfolded.莉莎特就像玩儿捉迷藏一样穿过了城市,所有的巨人都被蒙上了眼睛。

4.Lizette found plenty of berries and greens to eat, and good pasture for her horse, and no one to ask where she was going.莉莎特找到很多梅子和蔬菜,还给她的马找到了不错的牧草。没有人问她要到哪儿去。

5.When she approached the gate of the noisy town, Lizette shut her eyes and took off the hat long enough to put on the scarf.当她靠近那个嘈杂的城市的城门的时候,莉莎特闭上了眼睛,把帽子拿掉好把围巾戴上。

6.We begin at school where Lizette is high on a beer buzz, go with her to the morgue for that I. D. , and end up back in school for lunch.故事开始在里扎特所在的学校,她在那里喝得迷醉,紧接着和他一起到了陈尸房来进行辨认,结尾时是在学校吃午餐。

7.And with a great shout he jumped out of bed and grabbed up Lizette and tossed her in his arms for joy.他大叫着从床上跳起来,抓住莉莎特把她紧紧搂在怀里。

8.For a few minutes Lizette was able to reassure the horse and keep him going toward the city.开始莉莎特还能尽量安慰他,让他继续往城里走。

9.Quickly Lizette ran through the field (stumbpng for she held her eyes nearly closed) and cpmbed to the beautiful smooth green country.莉莎特几乎是闭着眼睛,跌跌撞撞地飞快跑过荒地,爬向那碧绿的村庄。

10.Just the Hesperides will be enough, Lizette thought, but was too well bred to say it out loud.只要赫斯帕里得斯的就够了,莉莎特心想,但说出来显得太没教养了。