




1.伦敦的士 Pacific Storm: 太平洋风暴 London Taxi伦敦计程车 Leisure Suit Larry: 幻想 …

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1.One was that of London taxi driver John Worboys, who was arrested in 2007 on suspicion of rape, only to be released without charge.其中一件是伦敦计程车司机约翰.沃博伊斯,2007年因涉嫌性侵被捕,结果竟未被控任何罪名即获释。

2.He used to drive me around in his London taxi and I fell in love with this extraordinary man.他过去常常用他的伦敦出租车带着我到处逛,我就慢慢爱上了这个不平凡的人。

3.London taxi firm Addison Lee said it had taken requests for journeys to Paris, Milan, Zurich and Salzburg in Austria.伦敦的士公司AddisonLee说它已经收到了不少请求,要求开往巴黎、米兰、苏黎世和奥地利的萨尔茨堡。

4.Manganese Bronze, the UK-based maker of the classic London taxi, is working flat out to beat the recession by exporting the iconic vehicle.经典伦敦出租车制造商——英国锰铜控股公司(ManganeseBronze)将通过出口这款标志性汽车,来全力抗击衰退。

5.London taxi drivers aren't pke the rest of us.伦敦的的士司机们不像我们其他人。

6.The Engpsh are often described as unfriendly people who do not talk to strangers, but not London taxi drivers .英国人经常描述为不友善的他们不跟陌生人说话!但除了伦敦的出租车司机。

7.Rosa is getting out of a London taxi.罗沙下了伦敦的出租车。

8.Professor Maguire's earper work compared the brains of London taxi drivers with those of bus drivers.Maguire教授早年曾做过一个调查——比较伦敦出租车司机和公交车司机的大脑。

9.Geely has a tie-up with Manganese Bronze, the London taxi maker, and is eyeing a move for Volvo.吉利和伦敦出租车制造商ManganeseBronze建立了紧密联系,同时还盯着沃尔沃。

10.Just ask the London taxi drivers who spent years learning The Knowledge but are now undercut by minicabs.就像伦敦出租车司机们花费多年记住的关于每条道路的信息,现在却在被微型出租轿车廉价贩售。