




1.长长的直发 10. a football fan 足球迷 11. long straight hair 长长的直发 12. in South Africa 在南非 ...

2.长直发 short curly hair 短的卷头发 long straight hair 长直发 long curly hair 长卷发 ...

3.直长发 ... long straight hair: 直长发 short/curly/long/straight hair: 短/卷/长/直发 ...

4.直发修长 ... She was shaped pke a bottle 玲珑浮凸 Long straight hair 直发修长 She was fly as a bird 她快活如小鸟飞翔 ...


1.In the black community, long, straight hair is often considered more beautiful than short kinky hair.在黑人社会,长长的直发通常被认为比短的卷发漂亮。

2.It was not a color most women would wear, but it brought out the reckless gleam in her long straight hair and the green of her eyes.这颜色的衣服大多数女人都不适合穿,但她穿起来却更能衬托出她长而直的头发和绿色眼眸的光彩。

3.One student, Mr. Grace recounted, born male and named Jack, has long, straight hair and prefers to be referred to with a female pronoun.他讲起了一个叫杰克的学生的故事。杰克身为男孩,却有一头垂顺的长发,喜欢别人用女性代词相称。

4.She was a long round face with big eyes and long straight hair beautiful girl.她是一个长着圆圆的脸大大的眼睛长长的直发的漂亮女孩。

5.She used to have long straight hair, but now she has had it layered and it is all different lengths.她过去总是留着直长发,但现在她已将头发分层次,理成了不同的长度。

6.Mito is an Indian girl. She has got a round face, big eyes and long straight hair. She enjoys singing and dancing.米图是个印度女孩,圆圆的脸盘,大大的眼睛和又长又直的头发,喜欢唱歌跳舞,在班里很得人心。

7.But some say the long straight hair does not address the beauty issues that many black girls struggle with.但有些人说长长的直发没有解决很多黑人女孩儿备受困扰的美丽问题。

8.Qin Lan: Sexy hair is not exclusive, Qin Lan soft feepng kind of long straight hair still wet feepng, and cool and sexy.性感不专属于卷发,秦岚的柔软感长直发有种还湿湿的感觉,又清凉又性感。

9.When she started the career as an actress and when she first got married, she had long straight hair.她开始当演员还有第一次婚姻的时候,都是素直的长发。

10.I used to have long straight hair, didn't you?我过去留长直发,不是吗?