




1.丢失的钱包 ... 62.A Traffic Accident 一场车祸 64.Lost Wallet 丢失的钱包 65.The Mountain Cpmbing 爬山 ...


1.Front of a hazy, tears from his eyes in her hands, she caught my hand a still, and I went to look for the lost wallet, I know, it was love.眼前一片朦胧,泪水从眼角地在她的手上,她一把捉住我的手,依然和我去寻找丢失的钱包,我知道,那是关爱。

2.These are usually the people who will return a lost wallet without even peeking to see how much money's inside.他们通常是这类人。他们会把自己捡到的钱包原封不动的归还给失主,甚至不会瞥一眼里面究竟有多少钱。

3.After a while, there is a man going over, he looked around, as if looking at what my man asked him: "Sir, you are not a lost wallet? "过了一会儿,有一位男人走了过来,他四处张望,好像在找什么,我上前问他:“先生,你是不是丢了钱包?”

4.The popce searched him for the lost wallet.警察搜查他的身体,寻找那丢失的钱包。

5.S he craned her neck to look for her lost wallet.她伸长了脖子寻找丢失的钱包。

6.Eg. He called on his sister to help him look for his lost wallet.他要他的妹妹帮他找遗失的皮夹。

7.So , if I lost wallet, what could I feel?那么,如果我丢了钱包,我会是什么感受?

8.It was not long before I tracked down the lost wallet.不久我就找到了遗失的钱包。

9.The recovery of the lost wallet thrilled the whole family.失落钱包的复得使全家人兴奋不已。

10.I feel repeved when I recovered my lost wallet.钱包失而复得,我松了一口气。