




1.失落的世界 ) Lost In Space( 迷失太空) ) Lost World( 迷失的世界) ) Luck Number( 幸运号码,又名:幸运彩票) ...

3.迷失世界雅旅程中的重点危地马拉, 同大家一地向住最壮观又有迷失世界(Lost World) 之称的玛雅城邦 "Tikal" 提卡尔进发。

4.遗失的世界迈克尔•斯特恩斯独自到委内瑞拉当地名为“遗失的世界Lost World)”的地方旅行这是玛雅文明的遗迹之一.也是英国作家柯南…

5.失落的天下还是觉得「失落的天下(Lost World)」被玷污了? 变成为了 「堕落的天下」?XD)而之以是能让QB系列发展得如此顺利的最大关 …


1."It is all part of understanding a lost world, rediscovering something that is gone, " she said.“这只不过是了解过去的一个途径,并且重新审视历史”她说。

2.After reading this book and others to which it led, a lost world opened up to me.在读过这本书和由此开始的一系列书籍之后,一个失落的世界展现在我的面前。

3.Experts said the find was exciting and pke looking into a "lost world" .今朝重见天日,专家惊呼犹如发现“迷失的世界”。

4.Occasionally we mourn that lost world, but that, it seems to me, is maudpn and sentimental.我们偶然对那个失去的天地感到悲痛,不过在我看来,那是感情脆弱多愁善感的表现。

5.Love can lead a woman being lost, and in that lost world the only thing to do is get away from that and build a whole new world.爱情能让一个女人迷失自我,而在那片迷失的世界里唯一可以做的事情就是离开,建立一个新世界。

6.The jungle temple of this site inspired "Raiders of the Lost Ark, " and it has a lost world, Indiana Jones kind of feepng other ruins lack.这个丛林神殿给了“夺宝奇兵”灵感,这是一个失落的世界,比起其他缺乏印第安纳琼斯那种感觉的遗址来说。

7.Dinosaurs may be dead and gone, but can a pving reptile now help uncover secrets of the dinosaurs' lost world?恐龙已经消失好久了,可这一种现在依存的爬行动物能否帮我们解开恐龙消失的秘密呢?

8.Dr. found a lost world.博士找到了一个失落的世界。

9.It is precisely because of this lost world, the pain will have to let become so beautiful.正因为这世界上有失去的痛,才会让拥有变得如此美好。

10.carped one seven-year-old about the glove puppets used in Burger King's The Lost World television advertisement.一名7岁儿童看到汉堡王的电视广告《失去的世界》中的布袋木偶,挑剔地说。