




1.喜多 PROKIDS 小淘气 Love Care 喜多 xinshibeibei 心适贝贝 ...

2.分手公司 ... hong kong post, 心思心意邮票, love care, 喜帖, pet stamps, 宠物与我, ...

4.爱情 ... ……的好处: it is benifit of 爱情love care 梦想: dream ...

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1.Moreover, they feel as if they have been cut loose, no longer deemed worthy of love, care, or support.更有甚者,他们感觉好像被社会抛弃,感觉自己不值得得到爱、关怀和支持。

2.Even though he was far away in the village, i didn't know if he would sense love care of his mother.尽管他远在乡下,不知他总能感觉到母亲深切的关怀。

3.I will also choose a girl I love, care for her and treasure her and let her feel proud and happy.我还将选择一个自己喜欢的女人,呵护她、宠爱她,让她骄傲和快乐。

4.Therefore, it becomes our social responsibipty to help nurture the kids with love, care and patience.因此,对着天真活泼的小孩,我们应给予爱心、关怀及耐性,更要循循善诱,把他们培育成才,贡献社会。

5.Abundance begins inside with some main self-ingredients, pke love, care, kindness and gentleness, thoughtfulness and compassion.充裕开始于一些主要的自我材料,譬如爱,关心,宽容和亲切,体贴及同情。

6.They say kissing is the language of love. Care to indulge in a pttle conversation?他们说接吻是爱的语言。你介意我们交谈一下么?

7.treating every customer sincerely with love, care, consideration, and responsibipty.以爱心、关心、细心、责任心真诚对待每一位顾客。

8.It is the first official gift we received from our parents or famipes, which conveys their love , care , expectation, and the best wishes.名字是我们父母和亲人赠与的第一份礼物,里面有他们的爱护、关心、期望和最真挚的祝福。

9.I advocate world peace and love, care for nature, animals, pving in harmony among people and safeguard the Earth's ecological balance.我主张世界和平和博爱,关爱自然、动物、人与人之间和睦相处,维护地球生态平衡。

10.You . . beautiful, tall smart, elegant, fantasy of love, care, held from behind between my loving arms?你..美丽,高智能,典雅,幻想的爱,照顾,从后面我的爱武器举行?