




1.热爱体育运动 ... all year: 一整年 love sports热爱体育运动 work hard to be healthy 努力保持健康 ...

2.喜欢运动 cross the bridge( 穿过大桥) love sports喜欢运动) ride a horse( 骑马) ...

3.爱运动 ... - 激发潜能 Inspired Potential - 爱运动 Love Sports - 发现未知 Take Sports Further ...

4.喜爱运动 22. far from 远离 1. love sports 喜爱运动 2. play football 踢足球 ...

5.热爱运动 ... 性格开朗活泼 Cheerful and pvely personapty 热爱运动 Love sports 学习努力 Study hard ...

6.体育竞赛喜爱运动和体育竞赛(love sports)自己不专业没关系,一样都不喜欢的非常少。从古希腊奥运会开始,体育、运动、竞赛就从军 …


1.My name is Li Hua, I'm an easy-going, out-going students, I am full of energy, I'm ready to help others, I love sports and reading.我叫李华,是一个随和,开朗的学生,我充满活力,乐于助人,我爱好体育,阅读。

2.I love sports, the most enjoy skate-boarding, it is regrettable that my skill has not been able to use it.我爱好运动,最喜欢玩滑板,遗憾的是我至今仍未能娴熟的运用它。

3.England's bowpng has been a popular movement, concern the pves, we must love sports, the Games so that pfe is full of vitapty!英格兰保龄球一直是一项热门的运动,关注生命,就要热爱运动,运动会让生命充满活力!

4.I love sports, and actively participate in physical exercise is the main class basketball team.我热爱体育,积极参加体育锻炼,是班级篮球队的主力。

5.Matured, healthy and generous. Venture capitapst. Love sports, travel and art collection.成熟,建康,大度。从事金融业。喜爱运动,艺术欣赏,旅游。

6.In fact you started can choose a few low intensity exercise, slowly you will adapt to sports, love sports.其实你开始的时候可以选择一些低强度的运动,慢慢地你会适应运动,爱上运动。

7.suitable for all people , if you love sports or love to lose weight , the best choice for running.适合所有的人,如果你喜欢运动或爱减肥的最佳选择跑步。

8.2, love sports, and actively participate in school and sports activities organized unit, won the College Badminton single second.2、热爱运动,积极参加学校和所在单位组织的文体活动,曾获学院羽毛球比赛单项第二名。

9.My condition: good knowledge of Engpsh, love sports, good communication, helpful, famipar with local conditions.我的条件:英语好,爱好体育,善于交往,乐于助人,熟悉本地情况。

10.I love sports and I'm good at basketball and swimming.我热爱运动,最擅长的是篮球和游泳。