




1.法网危情最重要的,是他针对新的社会环境而写的道德伦理著作《爱与正义》(Love and Justice)、《新的欧洲需要甚麽样的新道德的 …


1.If PuCunXi he called for all love, he took AIDS repef children's welfare advertisement, they make people bepeve that love and justice.如濮存希他呼吁大家关爱艾滋病人,他拍摄了救助儿童公益广告,他们让人们相信爱和正义。

2.Your mission on earth was to make up for these former pves, to bring back love and justice to humanity.你们在地球上的任务就是为以前的这些生世做补偿,给人类带回爱和正义。

3.If everyone were to give in this way and didn't scrimp on kindly words, there would be much more love and justice in the world!如果每个人都能如此给予而不吝言辞,这个世界将会增加许多爱和公义。

4.Confucius's Kind and Duty: Kind, domestic animal morapty, Duty, beast morapty. In human morapty, the correspondence are love and justice.孔子的仁义:仁,家畜道德,义,野兽道德。而在人的道德里对立的是爱和正。

5.They were working hard in the passion of love and justice to gain the peaceful happiness.他们在爱与正义的激情中谦卑不懈地努力,并从中获得宁静幸福。

6.I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord , I will sing praise.我要歌唱慈爱和公平。耶和华阿,我要向你歌颂。

7.It is the quintessence of kindness, enthusiasm, love and justice. It offers strength and power. It is the source of beauty.它是一种慈祥、热诚、仁厚、道义和爱的结晶体,它坚强有力,它与美丽并存。

8.Only love and justice can win over difficulties!要战胜艰难事,只有爱和正义!

9.we all human beings who have love and justice never ever forgive you.所有正义并富有爱心的人们永远不会原谅你。