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网络释义:不耐热肠毒素;淋巴毒素(lymphotoxin);水平触发(Level Triggered)



1.(书写形式)(陆军)中尉,(海军或空军)上尉(in writing) Lieutenant

Lt (Helen) Brown(海伦)布朗陆军中尉



1.不耐热肠毒素 type 限制字段类型 lt 小于 gt 大于 ...

5.立陶宛(Lithuania) LI 列支敦士登 LT 立陶宛 LV 拉脱维亚 ...


1.lt's actually amazing how much he hates your guts.真有趣他那么讨厌你的勇气

2.lt was lying next to you. l opened it to see if there was an ld.它丢在你旁边,我打开看了下里面有没有身份证

3.lt was time to stop all this speculation and infiltrate the enemy camp.该是停止猜忌渗透敌方阵营的时候了

4.Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: Its never necessary to tell me that you think Im right . Well just . Assume it.没有必要告诉我你认为我是正确的。我们将会。认定是这样。

5.None of both projects LT Toolkit or Toolkit are able to build properly, with a lots of errors and compiler warnings.这两个项目都不是低温或工具包工具包能够建立正确与错误,编译器警告的地段。

6.As I taxied over the muddy steel matting of the runway, I got a wave and a grin from my wingman Lt. Rex Barber.当我驾驶着飞机在泥泞的钢垫跑道上滑行时,我的僚机驾驶员向我边笑边挥手。

7.lt's fine for you to come barging into my school and make a complete fool out of me?可是你就可以闯到我学校里愚弄我吗?

8.Lt. Dan: I got an air-strike in bounds right now, they're going to hit the whole area. Gump , you stay here, Goddamn it, that's an order!丹:我叫的飞机就要来了,有一大批。要炸平这地方,阿甘,你呆在这,他妈的,这是命令!

9.Al Pacino plays the world weary retired Army Lt. Colonel who through a stupid accident looses his sight and his way of pfe.艾尔帕西诺扮演世界厌倦退役陆军中校谁通过一个愚蠢的事故失去了视力和他的生活方式。

10.lt was difficult for me with you. You really don't remember anything.与你在一起,对我来说,很困难。你真的什么也不记得了?