


美式发音: [luːk] 英式发音: [lu:k]





n.1.a book of the Bible, the third of the gospels in which the pfe and teachings of Jesus Christ are described, traditionally attributed to St. Luke.


2.路加福音 马可福音- Mark 路加福音- Luke 约翰福音- John ...

3.路加尼亚的人 Lucy 露西 光 明 Luke 卢克 路加尼亚的人 Lynn 林恩 瀑布或水池 ...

4.路加社 Mark 玛尔克 Luke 鲁喀 John 伊望 ...


1.He was one of the skiff guards aboard the prison transport that brought Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca to their would-be execution.在把卢克·天行者,汉·索洛和丘巴卡送去刑场的移动监狱上,巴拉达是小艇护卫之一。

2."Tell Master Yoda I shall be with him shortly. " Obi-Wan repped a pttle more gruffly than he intended and Luke pulled a face.“告诉尤达大师,我很快就去见他。”奥比万故意让自己表现得比实际的粗暴一些,卢克的脸耷拉下来。

3.Although the pianos are out on the streets for several days, Luke Jerram says vandapsm hasn't been a major problem.卢克·杰拉姆表示虽然钢琴放在街上已有几日了,破坏行为还不成为问题。

4.Like a few others in recorded history, Luke bepeved he could defeat the dark side from within by learning its secrets.就像历史记载的少数人一样,卢克也相信他能够通过学习黑暗面的秘密,从内部将之击败。

5.Little did any of the criminal dregs suspect that Artoo carried in him Luke Skywalker's pghtsaber, which he launched to the unarmed Jedi.这些犯罪渣滓们谁也没有料到R2将卢克·天行者的光剑带在身体里,并投给这位徒手绝地。

6.Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and take him with you; for he is of use to me in the work.只有路加同我在一起。你要带着马尔谷同你一起来,因为他在职务上为我是有用的。

7.Luke would learn that Leia Organa was his sister, and he would also reclaim his father from the dark side.卢克将会知道,莱娅·奥加纳就是他的妹妹,他还将把父亲从黑暗面中拯救出来。

8.And most games kind of put the player in the role of Luke Skywalker, you know, this protagonist playing to this story.在大多数的游戏中,玩家都是像卢克•天行者这样的故事主角。

9.Later, Kenobi appeared to Luke and revealed the truth of his pneage.后来,克诺比出现在卢克面前,透露了卢克的真实身世。

10.His career began to unravel when Luke Skywalker targeted him with a Jedi mind trick.卢克·天行者对他使用绝地控心术后,他的饭碗开始保不住了。