




1.意大利制造 欢乐颂 Kanki no Uta 意大利制造 Made in Italy 误区 Misconceptions ...

2.义大利 ... Made in Israel 在以色列人面前的日子 Made in Italy 意大利制造的 ...


1.For centuries, the "Made in Italy" label has been a marker of the finest craftsmanship that money can buy.数百年来,“意大利制造”的标签一直代表着值得掏钱的精湛手艺。

2."Never our top stuff, " he said, through an interpreter. "All of that is made in Italy. "“当然决不包括我们的顶尖产品了,”他对翻译说,“所有的顶尖残品都是意大利制造。”

3.After all, the "Made in Italy" label carries cachet among consumers (including, ironically, wealthy Chinese shoppers).毕竟,“意大利制造”标签在消费者心目中等同于精品的代名词(具有讽刺意味的是,在中国富人的眼里也是如此)。

4.The charges included money laundering, prostitution, counterfeiting and classifying foreign-made products as "Made in Italy. "检察机关指控他们涉嫌洗钱,卖淫,制假并将外国产品贴上“意大利制造”的标签。

5."Italy has already created legislation regarding what is necessary for a product to carry the 'Made in Italy' label, " she adds.“关于一件产品需要具备哪些条件才能贴上“意大利制造”的标签,意大利已制定了相关法律,”她补充道。

6.Still, 'made in Italy' is no guarantee, and it's possible to buy well-made clothes from many parts of the world.当然,“意大利制造”也不能保证百分百没错,而且在其他国家也可以买到做工精良的服装。

7.Then, you don't have to buy any guitar from China. That guitar shop in Paris also sells some inexpensive guitars (made in Italy or Spain).然而你们一定要去买中国的吉他,有些在巴黎的吉他商店也有不是很贵的琴(由意大利或者西班牙制作)回帖

8.Retailers from across Europe come in vans to buy the clothes, which carry the "Made in Italy" label, for resale back home at a large markup.欧洲各地的零售商会开大篷货车来买这些贴有“意大利制造”标签的衣服,再转售到他们的家乡,可以获得高额的利润。

9.Products carry a Made in Italy label and are also marketed in Africa.该厂的产品上贴有“意大利制造”标签,也会销往非洲市场。

10.The wife wielded a label gun, tagging each dress "Made in Italy. "妻子挥舞着标签机,在每件衣服上打上“意大利制造”。