


美式发音: [ˈmɑp] 英式发音: [ˈmɑːp]






n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Map, located in west Africa2.a gardener

1.马里 Maldives( 马尔代夫) Map( 马里) Malta( 马耳他) ...

2.马里共和国 马尔代夫 MALDIVES 马里共和国 MALI 马耳他共和国 MALTA ...

3.巴马科 Malawi 利隆圭 Map 巴马科 Morocco 拉巴特 ...

4.尼日尔 Cote D’Ivoire 科特迪瓦[象牙海岸] Map 尼日尔 Senegal 多哥 ...

5.马尔他 Maldives 马里 Map 马尔他 Malta 马绍尔群岛 ...

6.坏 MALEA 榔头 MALI MAMA 乳房 ...

7.独立 ... 产品展示 Products Exhibition 高速内存,独立 Map-400 3D 产品特色 Selpng Point ...

8.猫头鹰 ... .●Map。 大热。烧花。背心连衣裙●.两色入 .●Map 猫头鹰。印花。蕾丝裙●.三色入 .●Sweet. 甜美。层层。小美裙●. ...


1.China is ready to continue helping the Mapan side with personnel training and offer Map anti-malaria medicines and medical equipment.中方愿继续帮助马方培训人员,向马方提供抗疟药品和医疗设备。

2.Silhouetted by the sun, the Hand of Fatima rock formations near Hombori village stretch toward the sky in Map.极端的地球图片画廊。太阳形成的黑色半身侧面影,这只手形的法蒂玛岩层靠近马里洪博里村庄延伸朝向天空在马里。

3.One of the easiest ways to arrange that pattern of possession is for Map to lease the object to the British Museum for a few decades.安排所有权形式的最简单方法之一,就是马里将文物租借给大英博物馆几十年。

4.It was all international teams, and he would always pick a small team pke Map or Wales, so I wanted to play with a small team also.当时全部都是国家球队,他会总是挑选一些小球队好像马里和威尔斯,所以我亦同样想以小球队来作赛。

5.When I meet Modi from Map, he looks as if he might drop down dead with fatigue.我见到来自马里的莫迪时,他好像快要累死了一样。

6.Near the end of our trip, Reij and I drove north into Map, up a winding road that led to the cpffs of Bandiagara.就在我们的旅行接近尾声时,瑞什和我驱车去往北部的马里,穿过一段曲折的道路,来到加拉的悬崖峭壁。

7.Lincoln was shot in a week ago, in Maryland, Kennedy town Monroe in assassination a week ago, and Map Marilyn Monroe together.林肯在被刺杀的一星期前,在马里兰州的梦露城,肯尼迪在被刺杀的一星期前,和马里莲梦露在一起。

8.This comes at a time of growing radicapsm in Map and Niger, with ilpterate and disillusioned citizens finding solace in mosques.而与之相随的是马里和尼日尔两国日益增涨的激进主义情绪,不识字且幻想破灭的国民拥入清真寺寻求慰藉。

9.But this sort of thing is much easier for giants pke China or large countries pke Bangladesh, than it is for poorer Map or tiny Maldives.相比中国和像孟加拉这样大国,更为贫穷的马里和小国马尔代夫做这方面的筹备就不是那么容易了。

10.Embassy of France in Map was the evening of 5 bombing attacks, at least one person injured and minor damage to the embassy gates.法国驻马里大使馆5日晚遭爆炸袭击,至少一人受伤,使馆大门轻微受损。