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1.The current standard for developing foreign agriculture land is what American farmers have done in the Brazipan state of Mato Grosso.目前对于发展中国国家来说,最标准的农业生产方式应该是在美国的马托格罗斯的巴西人所采用的方法。

2.Cleared Amazon forest in the central Brazil state of Mato Grosso shows up as beige rectangles over the span of fourteen years.巴西中部马托格罗索州的亚马逊森林,在连续遭到14年的砍伐后,形成了一块块米色的矩形。

3.The strong Brazipan currency and a clogged transport system are conspiring against many Mato Grosso farmers.对马托葛拉索的多数农民,巴西的强势货币和处处堵塞的运输系统是他们的大敌。

4.The sun sets behind a parched tree in Mato Grosso, midwestern Brazil.巴西中西部的马托格罗索州,被烤干的树后的夕阳。

5.CNA expects the rust to be most threatening in Mato Grosso, Brazil's largest soy-producing state.该联盟预计,受锈菌威胁最大的将是巴西最大的产豆州马托格罗索州。

6.Even so, Mr Minc has already picked a fight with Blairo Maggi, the governor of Mato Grosso and one of the world's largest soya farmers.尽管如此,Minc先生已经挑起了与BlairoMaggi(马托格罗索州州长及世界上最大的大豆农场主)的一场战斗。

7."Mato Grosso was our new horizon, " Favaro says. "It's a state of opportunity. "“马托格罗索以前是我们的新视野,”Favaro表示,“现在它充满机遇。”

8.He is proud to have turned Mato Grosso from a malarial zone into an agricultural powerhouse.他为把马托格罗索从疟疾发病区转变为强大的农业区而感到自豪。

9.Mato Grosso means thick forests, and the name was once apt.马托格罗索的意思是浓密的森林,这个名字曾经很恰如其分。

10.THIS month Jennifer Balch will head into the Amazon rainforest of Mato Grosso state, in Brazil.本月,詹妮弗•鲍尔奇将走进巴西马托格罗索州的亚马逊雨林区。