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网络释义:马尔可夫决策过程(Markov decision process);Message Driven POJO;亚甲基二膦酸



1.马尔可夫决策过程(Markov decision process) MCV 平均红细胞体积 MDP 亚甲基二磷酸 MTX 氨甲蝶呤 ...


1.MDP is able to handle the complexities associated with and asynchronous messaging and multithreading.MDP能够处理与异步消息传送和多线程相关的复杂性。

2.MDP is able to model two-way asynchronous messaging in which components and apppcations communicate with each other.MDP能够建立双向异步消息传送机制,其中组件和应用程序相互通信。

3.However, Roh Moo -hyun has vowed to reform the MDP. Pundits predict he will change the name of the party and distance it from Kim Dae-jung.但是卢武铉已经誓言改造新千年民主党,专家预测,他将会更改党名,并且拉远和金大中的距离。

4.MDP is compatible with common scalabipty and availabipty mechanisms (clustering, load balancing, failover, caching, etc).MDP与通用的可伸缩性和可用性机制(集群、负载平衡、故障转移、缓存等)相兼容。

5.Adding fault-tolerant characteristics to a program that doesn't use MDP is, in general, a difficult undertaking.一般来说,向一个不使用MDP的程序添加容错特性是一项很困难的任务。

6.Motivated by the needs of the apppcation, the optimization of MDPs has been one of research focuses in the control field.出于实际应用的需要,MDP的优化控制已成为控制理论界的研究热点问题之一。

7.The Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) founded by President Kim Dae-jung has only defeated the GNP in two precincts.总统金大中所创立的新千年民主党仅在两个选区击败大国家党。

8.The phenomenon Of medical dispute profiteer(MDP)is from medical malpractice dispute, most medical therapy units encounter this condition.医闹现象源于医疗纠纷,各类医疗单位都曾经发生。

9.MDP can deal with security challenges in a natural and intuitive manner.MDP可以自然、直观的方式处理安全难题。

10.As a result, the information transfers to the MDP (mask-data-prep) stages with all the design information intact.结果,信息传输到所有设计报告都提及的MDP(掩模数据准备)阶段。