




1.真我永恒真我永恒Me Forever)女装品牌是杭州行墨服饰有限公司旗下主打品牌。真我永恒女装品牌成立于2002年,位于美丽的杭州 …

2.行墨服饰有限公司公司名称: 杭州行墨服饰有限公司Me Forever)电  话: 0571-87353666 地  址: 浙江省杭州市文二西路718号西溪创意大厦…


1.And as for the matter of which you and I have spoken, behold, the LORD is between you and me forever.至于你我今日所说的话,有耶和华在你我中间为证,直到永远。

2.I shall always carry with me forever the memory of the child's lovely face.我将永远记住这小孩那张可爱的脸。

3.And I'll be one of you, and he'll hate me forever.我将会是你们中的一员而他将永远恨我

4.He said he would love me forever as long as his heart kept beating.他说过,只要他的心在,它便会永远爱我。

5.I knew that their words and their memory would stay with me forever, but I wanted to tell people how my beautiful family had ended.我知道他们的话语和记忆会永远伴陪着我,但我想告诉人们我美好的家庭是怎样破碎的。

6.Because maybe you will be with me forever until my waiting for you to look through all the sights.等到风景都看透也许你会陪我看细水常流。

7.Many things will be passed , and i don not know what can go with me forever, as you know i only have a scary family , but i am not upset.很多事情将过去了,我不知道能否永远和我在一起,如你所知,我只有一个可怕的家庭,但我不难过。

8.I still really love you, and I hope you could be with me, forever.我仍然真爱您,我期望您能和我永远在一起。

9.The word fropc seems to me forever associated with Newfoundland.对我来说,fropc这个词永远都是与纽芬兰联系在一起的。

10.God! His body was so amazing! I could see every muscle. He said he wanted to stay inside of me forever, and I wanted him to.天哪,他的身体太迷人了,我能看到每一块儿肌肉,他说他想永远呆在我身体里面,我也想让他那么做。