


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:山丘之王(Mountain King);中期因子;马其顿



1.山丘之王(Mountain King) ME 黑山 MK 马其顿 MM 缅甸 ...

4.伊都锦(MICHEL KLEIN) 那不勒斯语[ nap] 马其顿语[ mk] 蒙古语[ mn] ...

6.马其顿王国 巴西 BR 马其顿王国 MK 巴哈马群岛 BS ...


1.Mk 12: 44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.可12:44因为,他们都是自己有馀,拿出来投在里头,但这寡妇是自己不足,把她一切养生的都投上了。

2.The MK-ULTRA program was originally run by a small number of people within the CIA known as the Technical Services Staff (TSS).ULTRA项目最初的运行只有少数人参加,他们被称做是CIA的技术服务部员工(TSS)。

3.Hilary Rhoda with Mickey Mouse hat and the illusion that she has no arms, which represents the powerlessness of MK slaves.希拉里罗达与米老鼠帽子,和她没有双臂的假像,那代表心灵控制奴隶的无能为力。

4.Animators will be able to master myriad modeling, rendering, and texturing procedures with advice from MK 's best and brightest authors.动画师将能够掌握无数的建模,渲染和纹理与MK的最好和最聪明的作者建议的程序。

5.MK : I saw Andrew on Monday when he came in for a physical with our team doctor.礼拜一安猪同队医一块来做体检的时候我看到过他。

6.ECF bleaching of the modified kraft pulp (MK) and conventional kraft pulp (CK) of Pinus elliott ii was carried out in this study.对南方湿地松改良硫酸盐法浆(MK浆)和常规硫酸盐法浆(CK浆)进行了ECF漂白的研究。

7.The MK is transported as a complete machine with telescopic tower, trolley jib, complete ballast, power generation unit and elevating cab.MK可以在配备伸缩式塔架、小车副臂、完整配重、动力装置与高架司机室的情况下,以整车形式运输。

8.Mk. 3: 28 Truly I say to you that all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they blaspheme.可三28我实在告诉你们,人一切的罪和亵渎,无论是亵渎什么,都能得赦免;

9.Conclusion: The protein of MK was overexpressed in oral carcinoma, and was correlated with malignancy degree of disease.结论:MK蛋白在口腔癌组织中高表达,并与疾病的恶性度密切相关。

10.Stars are typically classified by their spectrum in what is known as the Morgan-Keenan or MK system.恒星根据它们的光谱被分为典型的几类,这就是摩根-基南(Morgan-Keenan)分类法,即MK系统。