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网络释义:美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer);美国足球大联盟;微波着陆系统(Microwave Landing System)



abbr.1.Master of Library Science2.Multiple Listing Service

1.美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer)是美国职业足球大联盟 (MLS)的球队, 是一支近年才成立的足球队;历史短短却有很多球星, 包括前Barcelona的Marquez (马昆斯)…

2.美国足球大联盟一件美国足球大联盟(MLS)成立11年以来最重大的事情发生了:洛杉矶银河队宣布签入即将离开西班牙 皇家马德里队的英格兰 …

3.微波着陆系统(Microwave Landing System)以微波着陆系统MLS)替代ILS的研究开始于1967年,于八十年代研制成功并投入运行,它是为飞机提供位置信息和地空数据 …

4.美国职业大联盟  美国职业大联盟MLS)球员工会19日刚刚公布的球员薪资表中,也显示贝克汉姆是MLS第一高薪,本赛季收入可能高达650万 …


1.Beckham's contract is due to expire next month, but he insisted that it had not affected him in the build-up to the MLS Cup final.下个月贝克汉姆的合同就到期了,但他表示这不会影响自己备战总决赛的状态。

2.When Major League Soccer (MLS) recruited Mr Beckham, it was more interested in what he could do off the field.当大联盟雇佣贝克汉姆的时候,他们对于他离开这个领域可以做些什么更感兴趣。

3.But thankfully they've come out the other side and he's playing some of his best MLS football right now in a very good team.不过谢天谢地他们已经从负面影响中挣脱出来,而且贝克汉姆正在一支非常优秀的球队中上演他最精彩的美国职业足球大联盟的比赛。

4.MLS's Seattle Sounders are in hot pursuit, and Henry said he would love to play in the U. S.美国足球大联盟的西雅图音响队正在热情求购他,而亨利也表示自己将会很喜欢在美国踢球。

5.I think the standard of MLS has improved, and the weather is going to be hot, so the tour will be a test for the boys coming out here.我想MLS的水平在提高,天气也很热。所以巡回赛对于小伙子们来说并不轻松。

6.The New York Red Bull striker is training with the squad to help maintain his fitness during the MLS off-season.这名纽约红牛队的射手在其赛季结束之后来到阿森纳训练以保持良好状态。

7.It also gives me a chance to keep my fitness up and also carry that on for when I come back to the Galaxy and for the MLS season.这也让我有机会保持身体状态以便更好的返回到银河队(参加季前赛集训),为MLS下个赛季做准备。

8.The injury occurred when Cole's foot got stuck in the turf against the MLS All-Stars as he became sandwiched between two opponents.受伤发生在与MLS全明星的比赛中,由于被两名对手包夹,乔。科尔脚拌在了草皮上。

9.A victory would send L. A. to a second straight final and grant Beckham another shot at his first MLS championship.胜利将银河送入半决赛,也给了贝冲击他的首个美联总冠军的机会。

10.Chemist: Every morning soak one bad in 200 mls of cold water for one and a half hours, then heat it up quickly.药剂师:每天早晨打开一包,倒入500毫升冷水中浸泡一个半小时。然后用大火煮。