


美式发音: [mɑp] 英式发音: [mɒp]




复数:mops  现在分词:mopping  过去式:mopped  搭配同义词

v.+n.mop floor

v.wipe,clean,swab,dust,mop up



1.拖把;墩布a tool for washing floors that has a long handle with a bunch of thick strings or soft material at the end

a mop and bucket带水桶的拖把

2.洗碗刷a kitchen utensil (= a tool) for washing dishes, that has a short handle with soft material at one end

3.乱蓬蓬的头发a mass of thick, often untidy, hair

a mop of curly red hair乱蓬蓬的红色鬈发


1.~ sth用拖把擦干净to clean sth with a mop

She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor.她把所有的陈设都擦干净,还拖了地板。

2.~ sth (from sth)用布擦掉(表面)的液体to remove liquid from the surface of sth using a cloth

He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow(= to remove the sweat) .他拿出手绢来擦额头上的汗水。



n.1.an object with a long handle and a mass of thick strings or a sponge on one end, used for washing floors2.a lot of thick messy hair

v.1.to wash a floor using a mop2.to wipe sweat from your face with a cloth when you are very hot or sick3.to clean liquid or dirt from a surface using a mop, cloth, or something soft

1.拖把 sweeper 扫把 mop 拖把 vaccum cleaner 吸尘器 ...

2.猫扑 墩 dūn 墩布mop〗 墩木〖 block〗 ...

6.拖地 moon cake n. 月饼 mop n. v. 拖把 拖地 moral a. n. 道德的 寓意,道德启示 ...

7.擦 floor 地板,地面 mop ,抹,拖 still 还,仍旧 ...

8.拖布 hop 单腿跳 .mop 拖布 .eye 眼. ...


1.It was like trying to mop up a lake with a bath sponge.好比用一个海绵来吸干一个湖。

2.Simple Fix: Wet-mop floors at least once a week to keep dust to a minimum.简单解决办法:每周至少用湿拖布拖一次地,将灰尘量减到最少。

3.I'm going to get sued either way by fifty people, but I don't want to spend my life trying to mop up a total disaster on Wall Street.无论干还是不干,我都会受到指责,但我不希望把自己的生命,花在为华尔街一场彻头彻尾的灾难收拾残局上。

4.Bill looked over the counter disapprovingly. "Gonna have to pull the ol' mop out tonight, I guess, " he said.比尔看着柜台露出不悦的神色,他说:“我想今晚要把那个旧拖把拖出去。”

5.John went to grab towels out of the bathroom to mop up the blood. When he returned she was at the man again with her knife.John跑到浴室拽出毛巾来擦血迹。他回来的时候,看见她又在拿刀对着那个人。

6.In 2001, a netizen posted the photo on Mop of a girl, claiming her to be his girlfriend.在2001年,一位网友发布的照片上的女孩,拖把,她是他的女朋友。

7.Unfortunately, the cigarette was covered by the back seat returned to his vehicle, and will soon be over there of a MOP, lit.不幸的是,这个烟头被风吹回到了汽车后座上,并很快将放在那里的抹布点燃。

8.They mop floors, take out the rubbish, walk the dog, buy groceries and care for the children, the elderly or disabled.她们拖地,倒垃圾,遛狗,卖杂货,带孩子,照顾老人和残疾人。

9.A man in Florida attempted to rob a gas station while wearing a mop on his head.弗罗里达州的一名男子,在打劫某加油站时,在头上顶了个拖布。

10.She is so skinny, if she had dreads, i 'd grab her by the ankles and use her to mop the floor.她太瘦了,她害怕我会抓着她的脚踝,用她来拖地。