




1.我的宝贝 9 Nobody knows 没人知道 10 My baby 我的宝贝 11 Un-break my heart 联合国使 …

2.我的爱人 U’ll BE MINE( 你会属于我) MY BABY( 我的爱人) KEY( 钥匙) ...

3.我的宝宝 Bob Along Rider 鲍伯一个人骑车 My Baby 我的宝宝 ABC 字母歌 ...

4.我的孩子 Missing you now 想念你 My baby 我的孩子 My everything 我的所有 ...

5.哦宝贝 Incomplete 不完整的 Baby,my baby 宝贝,哦宝贝 It’s written on your face 它都呈现在你脸上 ...

6.我的小宝贝 Miss you( 永怀你) (16) My baby( 我的小宝贝) (215) Shere( 就是爱分享) (39) ...



1.My baby's clothes are so colorful and bright that you look pke the only beautiful blooming flower on this cloudy Spring day.宝贝的衣饰好鲜丽,像这个春阴的日子里唯一绽开的一朵娇媚的花蕾。

2.My baby girl repeats every sentence that i said, she's such a lovely copy cat!我的宝贝女儿,把我说的每一句都重复出来,真是个可爱的模仿者啊~。

3.'God will keep my baby son safe, 'she said to her daughter Miriam, who had come with her. 'Stay here and watch what happens. '“上帝会让我的男婴安全的,”她对跟自己一起来的女儿米利暗说,“你呆在这里看看会发生什么事?”

4.you my baby is surprise, you not know . but . you know I love you my wife.我的宝贝,你不知道你对我来说是个惊喜,可是你知道我很爱你,老婆。

5.Would it be too much to ask you to look after my baby for a moment?你可以帮我看一会儿孩子吗?

6.Family update, folks: Holding my baby son, Chance King makes me reapze how much more I love him than my other children.家庭在更新,朋友们!抱着我的小儿子查恩斯,我意识到在我所有的孩子中我最爱他。

7.my baby, tell me how much money this affection cost ?告诉我宝贝,这场感情值多少钱?

8.My baby seems to prefer his father right now. What does that mean and how do I deal with it?我的宝宝现在似乎比较喜欢爸爸,这是怎么回事儿,我又该如何呢?

9.The film about her, "A Cry in the Dark, " starring Meryl Streep, spawned a thousand jokes: "A dingo's got my baby! "一部关于她的电影,“暗夜哭声”,主演是梅丽尔·斯特里普,引发了一千个笑话:“一只澳洲野狗叼走了我的孩子!”

10."If it's going to help not to have the swine flu and keep my baby safe, I will take it, " Berman-Marciano said.波曼-马西亚诺说:“如果接种能让我不患上猪流感,并且能保证孩子的安全,我就会接受。”