




1.我的朋友 我的同学: my classmates 我的朋友: my friends 我的老师: my teachers ...

2.我的朋友们 我是中国人 I am Chinese 我的朋友们 my friends 在一班 in Class One ...

3.我的好友 我的相册 My albums 我的好友 My Friends 我的资料 My information ...

4.今天我要对你们说 ... 但我依然怀有一个梦。 I still have a dream 朋友们,今天我要对你们说, I say to you today,my frien

5.我朋友 LAC = Look After Child 照顾小孩 MF = My Friends 我朋友 MSA = Memory Study Assocation 记忆学总会 ...


1.My mouth is always moving, whether I'm gabbing on the phone to my friends, chatting with my neighbor, or interviewing a subject for a story.我的嘴时刻不停闲——不管是在跟朋友煲电话粥、和邻居闲聊,某个报道采访当事人。

2."I will ask my friends there about work, " says the young woman, who left home just a year ago.“我会向这里的朋友们打听一下工作的事情”,这位离家仅仅一年的年轻妇女表示。

3.I as well as my friends am ready to help you, when you are in trouble.你遇到困难时,我和我的朋友愿意帮助你。

4.Encouraged by my friends, however, I made a last-minute decision to give it a try.鼓励我的朋友,但是,我在最后一刻决定尝试一下。

5.If you were to visit Hainan in two days, I could arrange some of my friends there to meet you at the airport.假如你过两天去海南,我现在就可以安排我在那儿的朋友去机场接你。

6.I'm not rough and tough enough to feel comfortable with the boys, and yet my gender excludes me from hanging with my friends, the girls.我不够粗野和强壮,和男孩子在一起感到很不舒服,但是我的性别又将我从我的朋友,女孩们中间排除出来。

7.Like, a bunch of my friends after they found out, you know, about what I do, they always come ask me for financial advice.一样,一帮朋友后,他们发现了,你知道,我做什么,他们总是问我财务咨询。

8." The doctor thought for a while and said: " I will call one of my friends to help, and he is a vet, only he didn't ask, he can diagnosis.这个医生想了一会说:“我将叫我的一个朋友来帮忙,他是一个兽医,只有他不问问他就能诊断。”

9.The next day my friends told me that they had seen him at the bonfire celebration.第二天,我的朋友告诉我,他们曾看见他在篝火庆祝。

10.It's an old 1980s tune, but whenever I have parties at my house, or my friends come over to get ready to go out, we play it full blast.这是一首上世纪80年代的老歌,但是,只要我在家举行party,或者是朋友过来准备一起外出时,我们就用最大的音量播放这首歌。