




1.美吉姆 面馆( MY NOODLE) 健身馆( MY GYM) 咖啡馆( MY COFFEE) ...

4.中环分校 Miss Belle Education (中环分校) My Gym中环分校) People Impact 柏雅思智能培训中心 ...

5.红磡分校 John's Educational Centre (红磡分校) My Gym红磡分校) My Musik Box (红磡分校) ...

6.欢动课言能力及早期社交能力的发展 美吉姆课程 Gym) 欢动课My Gym) 父母参与课程(0 父母参与课程(0 至 3 岁半) 父母 …

7.我现在在揪团我现在在揪团(My gym)有兴趣再告诉我喔~~


1.I don't even own a scale at home, but I became obsessed with the scale at my gym.在家里的时候我都没有长肉圈,现在即使在健身房里还是无法摆脱赘肉。

2.I never swam but I passed my gym work anyway, by having another student give my gymnasium number (978) and swim across the pool in my place.我从未游过泳,却又终究通过了体育课,那时让另一位学生用我的体育课号码(978),代替我又过了游泳池。

3.One weekend when she was out of town, I met this gorgeous woman at my gym and we slept together.有一个周末她去了外地,我在体育馆遇到了一个迷人的姑娘并最终和她上了床。

4.Best tip for staying fit on the road: I make sure the hotel I pick has a reasonable gym, and I always take my gym kit along.在旅途中保持精神焕发的最佳贴士:确保入住的酒店有像样的健身房。我总是随身携带健身的行头。

5.I used to be in the same position, but these days I love nothing more than my gym days.我过去也是这样的,但这些天我却爱上了去健身房多过其它一切。

6.Today, after a great treadmill run at my gym, I noticed a stain on my clothing.今天,我在跑步机上酣畅淋漓的运动一番之后,发现衣服上有个污点。

7.My gym. I spend a lot of money to be a part of the local Crossfit gym.我加入本地健身房花了很多钱,也的确有很多成效。

8.Britney flashed photogs a smile after picking up Jayden from My Gym after enjoying lunch and playtime together at his Karate class.“小甜甜”布兰妮photogs闪现一个微笑开始从我的房杰登一起享受午餐和玩在他的空手道课。

9.To get around I had a bike and trailer, and the forty mile commute to the city doubled as my gym subscription.我已拥有一辆自行车和拖车,这样就可以四处转转,往返于城市的40英里相当于在健身。

10.John: You, uh, want me to keep my gym clothes on pke last time?你,嗯,要我像上次一样穿着运动服吗?。